Tag Archives: shauna

Pointer Sister Set for ‘Celebrity Rehab’

Filed under: Bonnie Pointer , TV TMZ has learned Bonnie Pointer — from the Pointer Sisters — is the newest star to join the cast of ” Celebrity Rehab .” The 59-year-old singer has a storied history of drug abuse — we’ll see if Dr. Drew Pinsky can help out. Pointer will join Shauna… Read more

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Pointer Sister Set for ‘Celebrity Rehab’

Shauna Sand to Enter ‘Rehab’

Filed under: Shauna Sand , Dr. Drew , TV Shauna Sand ‘s penchant for booze and attention has finally paid off — TMZ has learned the former Playboy Playmate has signed on for the next season of ” Celebrity Rehab .” We’re told Shauna will check into Dr. Drew ‘s famous recovery center in… Read more

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Shauna Sand to Enter ‘Rehab’

Shauna Sand Topless on the Beach of the Day

It looks like Shauna Sand found a twin….I doubt it was that hard….I mean every strip club has skinny blonde chicks with ravaged faces, fake tans, fake hair and big fake tits who like showing off their disguting bodies because for some reason they think they have it going on because truck drivers love them and buy them pretty flowers as they role through the club they work at….It’s not like Shauna Sand did a look-a-like contest…some doppleganger shit to masturbate to but I am thinking maybe this friendship started with fan mail that made Shauna Sand think a beach day with this bitch would be a great photo-op for the paparazzi and that’s probably why these pictures exist….and as disgusting as Shauna Sand’s vagina is, I can’t turn my back on someone with serious issues whether they are daddy or body image issues, especially when they put this much fucking effort into and cheap plastic surgery into it getting work…. The Superficial Has the Actual Topless pics, I don’t have the right to the shit, so if you want to see her hacked off nipples, follow this link GO Pics via Fame

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Shauna Sand Topless on the Beach of the Day

Colin Farrell Speaks Out Againt Homophobia, Bullying

While it will always be funny to think of him as a sex tape star , Colin Farrell is making it clear that he wishes to be known as more than just a Hollywood bad boy. On the wagon and focusing on his movie career, the Golden Globe winner is also taking up a few good causes. Chief among them: homophobia and the problems his brother, Eamon, has gone through as a gay man in Ireland. Last week, Farrell spoke at an event for BeLonG To, an Irish LGBT organization aimed at teens, regarding his sibling’s struggles. Said the actor: “I can’t remember much about the years of physical and emotional abuse my brother, Eamon, suffered. The thing I do remember, though, quite literally, is blood on his school shirt when he came home in the afternoon. The beatings and taunting were very frequent for him and a constant part of his school years. “Intolerance is not genetically encoded – it is taught. It is learned at home. It is learned in the classrooms and it is learned anywhere else we gather as a group. Bullying is torture, it is another betrayal of basic human decency and its scars reach into the future of its survivors.” Recently, Khloe Kardashian also spoke out against bullying . If this a new cause celebrities are lining up for, it’s certainly one we can get behind.

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Colin Farrell Speaks Out Againt Homophobia, Bullying


If you really wanted your cats to be happy, you'd grow catweed in your backyard. Because you know if you're drooling (see 1:01), then that's some goooood shit

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Shauna Sand: Hollywood’s Most Embarrassing Mom

Shauna Sand, who is famous for ???, is like one of those slutty mom's on Ricki Lake. Can you imagine your mother wearing a slutty Rage Against The Machine dress?!? Poor kids! Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Carrie Prejean’s Sex Tape Mentor — Shauna Sand

Filed under: Hot Bodies , Shauna Sand , Carrie Prejean Carrie Prejean is getting some sage sex tape advice from someone with serious experience in the field, someone who knows what’s at stake … someone who wants Carrie to just give in and take the damn money already — and that someone is Shauna Sand. ..

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Carrie Prejean’s Sex Tape Mentor — Shauna Sand

New Moon Meets Vitamin Water

Even vampires get thirsty. And, as we know, those such as Edward Cullen try their hardest to avoid quenching said thirst with human blood

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New Moon Meets Vitamin Water

Meet Nicolas Cage, Extreme Compulsive Spender

He may blame his financial advisor, but it looks like the recent financial problems that left Nicolas Cage broke are, shockingly, at least partly his own fault! After all, we are talking about the kind of outrageous, eccentric spending you think about with celebrities but puts his flamboyant counterparts to shame. If you can dream it, Nicolas Cage bought it : yachts, a jet, a castle, over 50 cars, over a million dollars’ worth of comic books, multiple (supposedly haunted) mansions in New Orleans, two Bahamanian islands, a $500,000 Lamborghini, etc

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Meet Nicolas Cage, Extreme Compulsive Spender

Shauna Sand to Actively Promote Sex Tape

Well, what do you know? Not only did Shauna Sand green light the sex tape she was originally fighting (or claimed to be fighting, she’ll be doing PR for it now too. It’s almost as if the Shauna Sand sex tape was planned all along, with its nasty star having full knowledge of its release and every intention of profiting from it

Originally posted here:
Shauna Sand to Actively Promote Sex Tape