Tag Archives: she-rhymes

Natalie Gal is Amazing of the Day

Her name is Natalie Gal and I am in love. She looks familiar, but maybe that is just because she’s Russian and I’ve been dreaming about a Russian wife for the last 2 decades…something that may be easy to pull off, but I’m more into real love…and eternal happiness…because there is just something magical about their amazing faces, and the fact that I am convinced they don’t really have a soul…thanks to communism, but I like to think that unlike other Russians this one has a soul, and it is my soul’s mate…at least it should be when laying around in beds half naked like this…

Continued here:
Natalie Gal is Amazing of the Day

Anna Ewers for Alexander Wang of the Day

Well this is the hottest jeans campaign I’ve ever seen… Her name is Anna Ewers and I am in love…even though she rhymes with sewers…sewers I would swim through and eat whatever I found floating like some kind of pervert Ninja Turtle, without the Athleticism, so more like a homeless person, just to convince her to move her hand…

Here is the original post:
Anna Ewers for Alexander Wang of the Day