Tag Archives: should-breezy

White Woman Dons Blackface On MTV’s The Challenge

Some people just write the checks to catch the fade all by themselves. The latest on the fade administration watch list is MTV’s reality series The Challenge: Battle Of The Exes contestant Emily Schromm, a former member of The Real World: Washington D.C. cast. Emily, clearly still struggling with being raised in an oppressive religious environment, foolishly paraded around in blackface on the show, to which she found the reaction to her display overwrought… Continue

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White Woman Dons Blackface On MTV’s The Challenge

For The Ladies: British Man-Banger Ricky Whittle Flosses His Ripped Bawwwdy On A Runyon Canyon Run

We don’t watch much British telly , but maybe we need to start. Sigh. And suddenly Pretty Ricky has a meaning that is so much more than a just mediocre, pelvic thrusting, boy band from Florida. Ladies, you likey? SplashNews More On Bossip! Played: The Most Embarrassing Ways These People Found Out They Got Cheated On Coupled Up: Kimmy Cakes And Kanye West Cozy Up For The Cameras In Paris, Kim Rocks Ye’s $5800 Giuseppes [Photos] Tale Of The Tape: Rih Rih Vs. Karrueche…Which One Should Breezy Take?! Karma Is A Mother: Poor Fantasia Dumped By Baby Daddy Cuz He Thinks He Loves His Wife!

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For The Ladies: British Man-Banger Ricky Whittle Flosses His Ripped Bawwwdy On A Runyon Canyon Run

Family Members Attack Accused Murderer In Court! [Video]

HAM! An all out brawl erupted during a hearing for an accused murder suspect in Springfield, Mass. Monday. Jose Santiago is accused of killing Jessica Rojas. When he walked into the courtroom two members of Rojas’ family tried to jump him moments before the hearing started. The two men, Edwin Rojas, who is the victim’s father, and Kenneth Soto, are charged with assault and battery on a public employee, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. More On Bossip! Played: The Most Embarrassing Ways These People Found Out They Got Cheated On Coupled Up: Kimmy Cakes And Kanye West Cozy Up For The Cameras In Paris, Kim Rocks Ye’s $5800 Giuseppes [Photos] Tale Of The Tape: Rih Rih Vs. Karrueche…Which One Should Breezy Take?! Karma Is A Mother: Poor Fantasia Dumped By Baby Daddy Cuz He Thinks He Loves His Wife!

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Family Members Attack Accused Murderer In Court! [Video]

TwitterFiles: Tisha Campbell Says People Need To Leave Her Husband Out Of Will And Jada’s “Divorce”

Get ‘em girl! At this point you might have heard the rumors circulating that Tisha Campbell-Martin’s husband, Duane, is the cause for Will Smith and Jada Pinkett’s alleged divorce. Well yesterday on Twitter Tisha let it be known that she ain’t havin’ that isht, not one bit! What do you think? Tisha isn’t setting herself up for disaster is she??? Image via WENN More On Bossip! Played: The Most Embarrassing Ways These People Found Out They Got Cheated On Coupled Up: Kimmy Cakes And Kanye West Cozy Up For The Cameras In Paris, Kim Rocks Ye’s $5800 Giuseppes [Photos] Tale Of The Tape: Rih Rih Vs. Karrueche…Which One Should Breezy Take?! Karma Is A Mother: Poor Fantasia Dumped By Baby Daddy Cuz He Thinks He Loves His Wife!

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TwitterFiles: Tisha Campbell Says People Need To Leave Her Husband Out Of Will And Jada’s “Divorce”

Breaking: 7 Wounded, 2 Dead In Pittsburgh Psych Ward Shooting

Crazy stuff out of Pittsburgh: Two people are dead, including a gunman who opened fire in the lobby of the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, says a University of Pittsburgh Medical Center spokesman who was briefed by police, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette is reporting. At least five other people were wounded in the shooting just before 2 p.m. ET. Reports of a second gunman and hostages were incorrect, police said. Update at 4:29 p.m. ET: Still no word on the identities of the dead and wounded, or of the conditions of those hospitalized. Evacuation of patients and staff was continuing within the past half hour, according to the Post-Gazette. The paper writes, “Children, many shoeless, were carried by staff members and loaded into the back an armored SWAT vehicle.” We’ll keep you updated about this insanity as word gets to us. Unfortunate and sad stuff. More On Bossip! Played: The Most Embarrassing Ways These People Found Out They Got Cheated On Coupled Up: Kimmy Cakes And Kanye West Cozy Up For The Cameras In Paris, Kim Rocks Ye’s $5800 Giuseppes [Photos] Tale Of The Tape: Rih Rih Vs. Karrueche…Which One Should Breezy Take?! Karma Is A Mother: Poor Fantasia Dumped By Baby Daddy Cuz He Thinks He Loves His Wife!

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Breaking: 7 Wounded, 2 Dead In Pittsburgh Psych Ward Shooting

Twitter Files: RihRih Shows Off Her Bangin’ Bawwwdy And Goes Back To Black For New Video

Looks like her dad can’t call her fat anymore … Via Necolebitchie : Over the past few days, Rihanna began leaking a few details about what the next single will be from the ‘Talk That Talk‘ era, but, more importantly, she revealed that she’s already working on a new video for said single. Later, she gave a sneak peek at one look from the shoot in a photo that showed her topless with her hair pulled into a high bun. Despite being topless, she looked somewhat innocent. As far as the single, she won’t be serving up any “Cake” with ex-boo Chris Brown. The Rihanna camp decided to produce visuals for another ‘Talk That Talk‘ favorite called “Where have You Been.” Not sure why she looks like one of those sad “for only $2 a day” kids but we’re kinda digging Rihanna’s “Coming To America” African bush-baby princess steez. Are you feeling this? More On Bossip! Played: The Most Embarrassing Ways These People Found Out They Got Cheated On Coupled Up: Kimmy Cakes And Kanye West Cozy Up For The Cameras In Paris, Kim Rocks Ye’s $5800 Giuseppes [Photos] Tale Of The Tape: Rih Rih Vs. Karrueche…Which One Should Breezy Take?! Karma Is A Mother: Poor Fantasia Dumped By Baby Daddy Cuz He Thinks He Loves His Wife!

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Twitter Files: RihRih Shows Off Her Bangin’ Bawwwdy And Goes Back To Black For New Video