Tag Archives: shower-because

Amber Rose Rockin’ a Subtle Bikini of the Day

This is what I call Ho Rolls…because this is how a ho rolls…you see I’m not so quick to call a girl I hooker, I just think that hooking is an engrained and innate female ability to use her sexuality to get things, whether those things are cash money, jobs, or even a loving husband with a good stable job…it all stems from their use of their vagina, and last I checked the dictionary, it was prostitution, but it’s really just being a girl… That said, so girls are more ho than other hoes, and this ho Divorcee getting back on the wagon of the exploitative Ho train, meaning now that she’s done with the one rapper she got knocked up with, she needs to get some attention to get a new one, because she’s used to the life…and without the buzz around her no one will care…and the best way to do that is with a subtle bikini in the least subtle way…and I’m all for that behavior..babies or not…it’s good…

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Amber Rose Rockin’ a Subtle Bikini of the Day

Julia Pereira is the Babe of the Day

If you know anything about models and modelling you will know one very simple thing…and that is that Brazilian women are amazing… Sure some of the over celebrated, over paid, undeserving Victoria’s Secret girls who all came up in the early 2000s, like Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Izabel Goulart and a bunch of others were pretty good…and sure I’ve called Gisele an Tranny that Tom Brady fucks like she was a football team initiation in the post winning game shower because it helps him get his team into the Superbowl without being ousted for being a homo and there is nothing New Englanders hate more the a Feg… But they are still amazing, and the newest Brazilian model that you probably have never heard of, but should is Julia Pereira …and I would argue based on these pics alone…is better than all those overhyped Victoria’s Secret model..because Victoria’s Secret is shit, and Julia Pereira is the fucking future…

Go here to read the rest:
Julia Pereira is the Babe of the Day

Victoria Fey for C-Heads Magazine of the Day

I don’t know who VICTORIA FEY is …I just know she’s a model who lives somewhere in this world…for me to scanner hunt and find…not because I am creepy, but because I am in love and I am sure she is my soul mate…and these pictures were taken for the purpose of her letting me know she exists… You see there is a fine line between love and creepy, but I am a firm believer that I have emotions, I should use them, and in using them, because if I don’t use them, then they don’t exist… Sure, I know what you’re saying, she may be an awful person, a real bratty cunt…she may not even speak english, and she may not have time to let me watch her shower because she’s just mean….You’re saying that I don’t know her, and that I can’t love her based on just seeing pics… Well you’re just bitter, jaded, miserable assholes…who doesn’t believe in love because you’re autistic, socially awkward or just angry girls don’t smile at you when you smile at them… SOURCE

Here is the original post:
Victoria Fey for C-Heads Magazine of the Day

Paz de la Huerta’s Naked in a Photoshoot of the Day

I am a fan of dirty hipsters who look like they don’t shower because they are too busy getting fucked up at after parties but who get naked….because being wild, crazy and willing to get naked is a huge part of being a “who gives a fuck about what people think” hipster….they are the creative, weird cuz it is cool to be weird, semi intellectual, try hard, future of progressive thought….in song, writing, fashion, and partying…..and in Paz de la Heurta’s case….getting naked in front of a camera as long as someone will watch….take pics…and put it out there….since she’s out of work. She’s not the hottest, but her willingness to just go with it while looking messed up on all levels, makes her better than the girls I ask to get naked for me, who all refuse. Cunts. TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE BOOK THIS IS FROM FOLLOW THIS LINK

Continued here:
Paz de la Huerta’s Naked in a Photoshoot of the Day