In knock-us-over-with-a-feather news, Charlie Sheen was rushed to the hospital after a crazy party at his home in the wee hours of the morning. Sources say the actor was taken out of his home on a stretcher and loaded into an ambulance around 7 a.m. with a towel partially over his face. Charlie was transported to Cedars-Sinai Hospital in L.A. after a 911 call was placed at 6:35 a.m. Two women young exited the house as he did. Pray that Charlie Sheen gets help. Fast . Sources say Charlie had severe abdominal pains . Stan Rosenfield, his publicist, says that Sheen was in the emergency room as of this morning – sleeping. Charlie’s father, Martin Sheen, and his mom, Janet Templeton, are with him. Neighbors say Charlie threw some sort of party last night. Big surprise there. Women inside Sheen’s house were singing Red Hot Chili Peppers songs all night. The party went until the wee hours. It’s a safe bet that booze and boobs played key roles in a night like many others in the life of the Two and a Half Men star. Get well, Charlie. Then get a grip, before it’s too late. Seriously man.
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Charlie Sheen: Hospitalized After All-Night Party!