Tag Archives: skirt-the-other

Hayden Panettiere Does the Emily Ratakowski of the Day

In the event you don’t remember the unrated “Blurred Lines” video for a song by Alan Thicke Jr and Pharrell Williams, here it is: Well, Hayden Panettiere, decided to jump into the mix and do some awkward dancing like my favorite set of tits I write poetry for, even though she pretends I don’t exist, as most people do with their creepy stalkers…. She tried to twerk….because twerking is the future of white people dances, even though the darks have been doing it forever… And I’m into it, but only because it reminds me of the day Emily Ratatatatatatatakowski and I first met, I mean she wasn’t actually there, but pictures of her tits were, and it’s been pretty consuming ever since, I mean as consuming as an ADD ridden pervert who likes all pussy, can be…. It is about 3 minutes in.

See the original post here:
Hayden Panettiere Does the Emily Ratakowski of the Day

Bar Refaeli Taking a Piss of the Day

Look at Bar Refaeli being funny. I guess it’s her Jewish sense of Comedy…. You know, a real Gary Shandling or Mel Brooks, Joan Rivers or Groucho Marx, Billy Crystal or Jackie Mason, Gilda Radner or Bette Midler, Woody Allen or Adam Sandler, Seinfeld or Larry David, Gilfred Godfrey or Bob Sagget, you get what I am saying here, Jewish people are funny, but for some reason, this joke is less about making me laugh and more about being totally erotic. Anything that involves a bitch in a men’s washroom at a bar or club, whether she’s getting gang banged, or throat fucked, or simulating pissing in a urinal or actually pissing in a urinal, excites me, but then again, sluts excite me, especially when pissing even if they pretend it’s squirt, like the old lady I saw in slutty clothes with a wet spot on her skirt the other day, now I don’t like old ladies, but I do like leaks in their vagina area. Here’s a thick bitch clowning…

See the article here:
Bar Refaeli Taking a Piss of the Day

Lindsay Lohan’s Sweet Profile

I’ve always liked Lindsay Lohan , even when she was pretending to be a lesbian I thought she would make a hot f@#king third baseman, so I like these pictures of her trying on a little short skirt the other day. It’s impressive how such a skinny chick can have such nice meaty chesticles and a sweet booty profile. I’m proud of her.

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Lindsay Lohan’s Sweet Profile