I’m pretty sure given enough tries, I could pull this off too.
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World Record Basketball Shot
I’m pretty sure given enough tries, I could pull this off too.
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World Record Basketball Shot
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged celeb news, hailey-baldwin, pretty-sure, putting-on-one, slightly-more, the-serious, time, viral-video
Since you guys dug those last shots we had of Hailey Baldwin at the beach , here’s a few more pictures of the serious hottie. She’s slightly more covered up this time, but still putting on one hell of a leg show. And you know, between her and Ireland , I’m having a tough time deciding which one is my new favorite Baldwin… Can I just pick both? Photos: PacificCoastNews
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More Hailey Baldwin In Miami Hotness
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged baldwin, beach, celeb, hailey-baldwin, Hollywood, News, Pictures, putting-on-one, slightly-more, the-beach, the-serious, time
This is one of those rare times that we’ve seen Anais Zanotti in something other than a bikini, and even though she’s slightly more covered up here, turns out that my current favorite beach babe looks every bit as smoking hot in a pair of Daisy Dukes too. So enjoy this latest photoshoot, but just make sure to keep a fire extinguisher nearby, because my pants region is melting faster than that ice cream cone right now. *Follow theheadhuntr on Instagram for even more goodness
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Anais Zanotti Will Make You Melt!
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged beach-babe, instagram, pants, Pictures, slightly-more, smoking-hot, something-other, theheadhuntr
FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD: www.mediafire.com Click this to tweet this video to Justin and Scooter! clicktotweet.com Get the “TerBear” t-shirt that Eddie’s wearing! foundasians.com TERRY: youtube.com facebook.com twitter.com EDDIE: twitter.com Finally back with a new cover with Eddie (as requested)! I’m digging the new Bieber track, and Eddie is too, so it seemed like the perfect choice I aimed for a slightly more mellow, “lounge-y” feel with this track… hope you enjoy it!! Big shoutouts to all my friends who came out last minute to help shoot the MV! Thanks for always putting up with my random ideas, guys XD NEW ORIGINAL TRACK COMING SOON!! Performed by Eddie He & Terry He Arranged, produced, mixed by Terry He Video shot by David Qin & Terry He Video edited by Terry He ORIGINALLY PERFORMED BY JUSTIN BIEBER WRITTEN BY: MIKE POSNER, MAT MUSTO, & JUSTIN BIEBER Published by: Universal Music Publishing & Sony ATV Music Publishing I do not own any part of this song. http://www.youtube.com/v/Ty5OAC7C_cY?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata The rest is here: Boyfriend – Justin Bieber (Official Video) – Cover by Terry He x Eddie He
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Boyfriend – Justin Bieber (Official Video) – Cover by Terry He x Eddie He
Don’t try to conceal how wildly ecstatic you are over the forthcoming Birdemic 2: The Resurrection , “filmmaker” James Nguyen’s sequel to his micro-budget 2010 “classic” Birdemic: Shock and Terror . Weep, already. Don’t hold back — especially now that there is a teaser trailer. Nguyen’s no-mage to The Birds has acquired a slightly more contemporary spirit, invoking the post-credits scene from The Avengers despite apparently setting to rest Nguyen’s insistence that his sequel would be in 3-D . Like I said, weep, already . Anyway, these 30 seconds may be light on screeching avian terror, but they do quietly portend the barely watchable joys to come. [ Bleeding Cool via Filmdrunk ]
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Birdemic 2 Teaser: Just Like The Avengers! (Minus the Budget)
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged awards, birdemic, detected, gaslamp-quarter, Girls, Hollywood, House, invalid, jordan, News, quietly-portend, slightly-more, tv guide
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We have been blown away by HTC’s announcements at Mobile World Congress, so it is time we start settling down and looking at the company’s entry-level announced device. This would be the HTC One V, which does not have the best of specs, but sure comes with some of the great features that the One Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Android Phone Fans Discovery Date : 26/02/2012 05:16 Number of articles : 2
HTC One V announced – the company’s affordable, entry-level handset of MWC
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, TV, Videos
Tagged bennyhollywood, bigger-brother, congress, context, discovery-date, Hollywood, huge-display, mobile-world, phone, slightly-more, Sports, start-settling, video, while-the-htc
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While the HTC One S is not as beastly as the just announced HTC One X, it holds its own and has all the functionality that its bigger brother sports. The HTC One is a slightly more moderate device for those that don’t need a quad-core phone or a huge display, but still want a Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Android Phone Fans Discovery Date : 26/02/2012 05:23 Number of articles : 2
HTC One S announced – 1.5 GHz dual-core processor, Android 4.0, coming to T-Mobile
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, TV, Videos
Tagged bennyhollywood, bigger-brother, discovery-date, functionality, Hollywood, huge-display, invalid, missing, quad-core-phone, slightly-more, Sports, while-the-htc
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Following the close of RIM’s BlackBerry World 2011 conference, the Waterloo Ontario-based cell phone maker on Wednesday issued two video demos showcasing forthcoming BlackBerry PlayBook features we’ve been very anxious to see. Of course we already wrapped things up with a slightly more interesting exclusive, but current (and future) PlayBook owners will definitely enjoy watching RIM execs show off… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Boy Genius Report Discovery Date : 05/05/2011 00:08 Number of articles : 2
RIM shows off Android apps, native email app on BlackBerry PlayBook
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, TV, Videos
Tagged 2011-conference, always-known, bennyhollywood, Hollywood, missing, slightly-more, stars, video, wednesday
Image: Spectrolab Evolutionary, Not Revolutionary Spectrolab , a subsidiary of Boeing, has announced that it is starting mass-production of a very efficient concentrating solar cell, the C3MJ+ (the datasheet above is for the C3MJ, the “plus” version is a newer, slightly more efficient model). With an efficiency at converting sunlight into electricity of 39.2%, this cell would be the most efficient on the market. “Last year we set a new world record for efficiency with a test cell that peaked at 41.6 percent. We now have entered production with ess… Read the full story on TreeHugger
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Spectrolab is Starting Mass-Production of 39.2% Efficient Concentrating Solar Cell
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Tagged alternative energy, bennyhollywood, corporate responsibility, discovery, efficient, Hollywood, slightly-more, solar-cell
Don’t look now, but there are 33 titles experiencing a new release today in either New York or Los Angeles. Some among them are opening wide, others have a slightly more limited roll-out to other cities, and some are merely stopping over on their ways to DVD. Ready or not, we’ve hit the fall movie season. Read on for Movieline’s weekly box-office and new-release roundup.
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Weekend Forecast: Will Easy A Have an Easy Run Over Ben Affleck and the Devil?
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged Devil, dvd, Hollywood, jack goes boating, merely-stopping, New Movie, over-on-their, reboot-fire, slightly-more, the freebie, The Good Wife, the-girl, the-town