Frieda Pinto from Slumdog Millionaire fame, who is dating Dev Patel from Slumdog Millionaire fame and has been for close to a decade, even if she’s theoretically too hot for him, culturally they are the same, and to fuck a white man would just bring up issues with her family, reminding them of when the British ran their country. I find the whole thing of sticking to your own kind racist. But unlike when white power people do it, it is racism that is never frowned upon. It’s like as a species, we accept that browns want to stick with browns, jews with jews and chinese with chinese, but the second you make a chinese, jew, or brown joke, you’re the fucking devil, meanwhile this Frieda bitch is the fucking racist, cuz she won’t let a Mexican up in her like this was a public bus in her motherland. What too soon?
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Frieda Pinto Slumdog Legs for Grazia India of the Day