Tag Archives: frieda pinto

I Miss Alyssa Milano’s Hairy Arms of the Day

I hate Alyssa Milano and not because she blocked me on social media. And not because she’s 100 years old and a do good mom. And not because she’s struggling in her tight dress showing off her legs. And not because she’s some internet savvy entrepreneur probably making huge fortunes while doing it. I hate Alyssa Milano because she’s caved into society’s expectations of her. We bullied her for having hairy fucking arms, and she’s reacted by getting laser hair removal on the shit, like a fucking pussy, insecure bitch, who lets bullies push her around, instead of embracing her hairy fucking destiny, and that just shows me that she’s a weak fucking person, who will raise weak fucking kids, and is the reason why bullying is being banned, because these assholes who were bullied, and are too insecure to defend themselves, are running the fucking show. Bullying makes for stronger people, kills off the weak, and in Alyssa Milano’s case, cleans up her high testosterone levels nicely. So fuck you bully haters and fuck you Alyssa Milano TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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I Miss Alyssa Milano’s Hairy Arms of the Day

Frieda Pinto Slumdog Legs for Grazia India of the Day

Frieda Pinto from Slumdog Millionaire fame, who is dating Dev Patel from Slumdog Millionaire fame and has been for close to a decade, even if she’s theoretically too hot for him, culturally they are the same, and to fuck a white man would just bring up issues with her family, reminding them of when the British ran their country. I find the whole thing of sticking to your own kind racist. But unlike when white power people do it, it is racism that is never frowned upon. It’s like as a species, we accept that browns want to stick with browns, jews with jews and chinese with chinese, but the second you make a chinese, jew, or brown joke, you’re the fucking devil, meanwhile this Frieda bitch is the fucking racist, cuz she won’t let a Mexican up in her like this was a public bus in her motherland. What too soon?

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Frieda Pinto Slumdog Legs for Grazia India of the Day

Israel Loyalist Harvey Weinstein Picks Up Julian Schnabel’s Palestinean Drama Miral

Were it not for their previous, successful collaborations on the 1996 biopic Basquiat and 2008’s Lou Reed’s Berlin , I would pay top freaking dollar for a ringside seat to watch Julian Schnabel and Harvey Weinstein battle over Miral , the Schnabel drama acquired Monday by the Weinstein Company. Never mind the likely editing-suite drama or the marketing meltdowns sure to follow Harvey’s modest entreaty, “Frieda Pinto. Wild Wild Girls . Think about it.” This time it’s allll about the Holy Land.

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Israel Loyalist Harvey Weinstein Picks Up Julian Schnabel’s Palestinean Drama Miral