So Esquire was smart enough to use Nina Agdal and her handicapped looking head that they just used for a photoshoot, for a video. A video, that I assume is paid for by the record label, in some advertorial that you don’t care is an asvertorial, because a bikini model is dancing and smiling and flipping her hair rocking a small little package and nice toned stomach… singing along to songs sung by people she’s probably had sex with, you know cuz rockers like models and vice versa. The video isn’t all that genius, but proves yet again, put a hot pussy in front of the camera and idiots everywhere will watch. Myself included. TO SEE THE PICS FROM HER ESQUIRE SPREAD FOLLOW THIS LINK
I’m not posting this cuz it is hot. I am posting it because it is stupid and almost pisses me off, but luckily I don’t care enough to actually care….I just know I wanted to ignore this, and I see it popping up all over the place, so I figured I’d say what I gotta say about it…. The rumor is that this is Kim K Superstar posing next to her ass x-ray to prove she doesn’t have ass implants, when anyone with a brain can just look at her thighs and stomach and realize that she didn’t need to go to all the trouble…we believed she was just fat just fine the second she took off her fucking SPANX…. More improtantly, there’s no proof this is an actual X-Ray of her ass, why would anyone get and X-Ray of their ass, unless of course it was strictly for a publicity stunt that lacks serious creativity…. Meaning, let’s hope the radiation from this shit, if it is actually an X-Ray of her ass, made her infertile…so her breed dies off like the fucking wolly mammoth or some shit…. The fact that people are talking about this like it matters or like it is news, reminds me that that world is definitely gonna end in 2012…Thank fucking god, cuz I can’t take much more of this useless, unimportant, unerotic, waste of our energy drivel Seriously people, this shit doesn’t matter. Get with it…..
As boring as Amanda Seyfried is, she’s got a really hot little body…She’s got tits, an ass, and a small little frame…and that’s probably why she’s so boring cuz she knows she’s got it going on and that she doesn’t need to shower, dress up, or pull stunts to stay interesting, cuz everyday she sees herself naked, it’s a reminder, that she’s got nothing to fucking worry about ever….. Here she is in a jumper, some may say she’s channeling her inner toddler but when I see jumpers, I don’t think little kids, I think of a fabric that is touching pussy, asshole and tits all at the same time…that usually ends in a cameltoe…making it one of the more perverted articles of clothing….