Tag Archives: sniff-the-seat

Kourtney Kardashian Grinds her Mom Vag Against a Bike Seat of the Day

There was a period of time where I got excited by girls on bikes…not necessarily in bikinis on bikes..just on bikes in general…because I knew their vaginas were rubbing against the seat really hard…and on hot summer days…vile and sexy…dripping with seat and broken dreams… But when I see Kourtney Kardashian doing it, it doesn’t make me want to sniff the seat when she’s in the store buying a drink…like I do with some girls…if anything it’s repulsive…after all the babies and Kardashian pollution that comes with being a Kardashian…but for some reason…I’m still looking.. IF YOU”RE INTO BIKE SEATS -> ENTER OUR STATE BICYCLE COMPANY -> WIN A FREE BIKE CONTEST CLICK HERE The post Kourtney Kardashian Grinds her Mom Vag Against a Bike Seat of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kourtney Kardashian Grinds her Mom Vag Against a Bike Seat of the Day

Nina Agdal’s Panties on a Bike While Smoking of the Day

I’ve seen Nina Agdal in person. She’s a bit of a monster. She’s also a drunken, probably drugged up wreck, who is rude, and who walks around Miami like she’s the most important thing in Miami, because compared to the other attention whores who live in Miami, she probably is, I mean she’s actually done Sports Illustrated swimsuit, while the other ones just do staged paparazzi… That said, here she is riding her bike, exposing her panties as her dead vagina grinds up against the bike seat, in what would make you want to sniff the seat, especially in the hot Miami weather…all while smoking a cigarette…and to think I thought this girl had Downs Syndrome or some other disorder….while she’s actually so talented all proven by the multi-tasking… Either way, not exciting, but it happened…I’d just expect more spread vagina out of this bottom feeder who is already starting to get old as fuck and who should really just secure that sugar daddy she’s probably already milking hard…right… She’s the worst… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Nina Agdal’s Panties on a Bike While Smoking of the Day