Tag Archives: some-extremely

Swirl Problems: Are Fights Over Their Newborn Son To Blame For Halle Berry’s Marital Strife With Olivier Martinez?

Poor Halle definitely doesn’t know how to pick ‘em. Halle Berry And Olivier Martinez Fight Over His Jealousy And Their Baby Son Maceo Word on the curb is that Olivier is trying too hard to control her and doesn’t approve of her approach to motherhood. According to Star Magazine reports : Halle, who’s been married three times, hasn’t been seen in public with her husband since Dec. 7, and for them, the problem is constant fighting. “They have had some extremely vicious arguments, and every small thing is causing issues,” an insider says. Adding to their troubles, is Olivier’s jealousy. “His paranoia has completely taken over,” the source adds. There’s also this, which comes from the print issue: Friends say that the duo are leading increasingly separate lives because they can’t stop fighting. “They have had some extremely vicious arguments, and every small thing is causing issues,” a source says. “Olivier thinks Halle is spending too much time working and trying to lose weight and not enough time on their baby. Halle is tired of Olivier telling her what to do. Both of them are very hot tempered and stubborn. Sounds like Halle isn’t the most domestic wife and Olivier has a problem with it, but seems to us they could have figured all that out long before getting married and having a kid together. We hope for lil Maceo’s sake they work it out! SplashNews

Swirl Problems: Are Fights Over Their Newborn Son To Blame For Halle Berry’s Marital Strife With Olivier Martinez?

Even Britney Spears’ Nipples Are Bored

Britney Spears just isn’t doing it for me anymore, I’m sorry princess, but all she does is walk around getting frappuccino’s at the mall in boring mom outfits. Short shorts are meant to be right up the chick’s ass are they not? These pictures are a good example, walking around with a bunch of fat security guys, looking at the camera, smiling for the camera, doing nothing for the camera. I’m bored already. Normally she at least lets us look at her wonky nipples and even they seemed bored with the whole thing.

Kim Kardashian’s Boobs Come Out

After a day in which we saw Kim Kardashian’s massive ass stuffed into some extremely hard working spandex leggings, it nice to see her comeback and distract us with some shots of her big fat boobies. Well done. I’ve said it before that Kim boobs get overlooked far too often. Anyhow, here she is leaving some restaurant the other night in a nice little peek-a-boo dress. I doubt that’s what these dresses are called, but anything with a hole in it specifically for body parts to stick out should be called peek-a-boo. Like the shorts I wear to yoga class.

Joslyn James — Police Report Filed, Legs Exposed

Filed under: Joslyn James , Celebrity Justice , Tiger Woods In her pursuit of justice — and attention — Joslyn James put on some extremely tiny shorts and strutted into an LAPD office yesterday to file a police report … accusing a rival mistress of stealing her stuff. According to the police report, James… Read more

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Joslyn James — Police Report Filed, Legs Exposed

Just In! Julianne Hough’s Dog Takes A Dump!

Anyone who owns a dog knows that along with the cute good times come some extremely disgusting moments, like being woken up by your dog vomiting on your bare chest after having company of the female persuasion spend the night.

Go here to see the original:
Just In! Julianne Hough’s Dog Takes A Dump!