Tag Archives: sophie-simmons

Sophie Simmons Ass in a Bikini of the Day

KISS fans will buy into any garbage that Gene Simmons puts out there and brands KISS, they are fanatics, collectors, the KISS Merchandise and memorabilia scene is just a massive fucking thing, that’s totally creepy and weird, but that’s made Gene Simmons rich as fuck…all off garbage….and those fans, I can assure you, have scene every episode of the Simmons family reality show, and they watched the tits Gene’s cum created on a chubby thing, who instead of using some of the trust fund for good, has instead used it to become a social media model…but as it turns out…she’s not so bad when she invites other mooch instagram sluts to hang out in bed with her for pictures like this…in fact she looks her best…. here’s her cleavage – The post Sophie Simmons Ass in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sophie Simmons Ass in a Bikini of the Day

HOT TACO VENDOR and Other Videos of the day

Heckler Gets Invited to Try the Shot…and Gets it.. Weird Tanker Truck Flipping and Crushign Car Cop VS Black GUy CYCLIST VS PEDESTRIAN Just a Naked Black Guy in Public Crackhead Stealing Chainsaw FISH Attacks Dudes Dick Woman Caught with Cheating Husband by Wife and Family The post HOT TACO VENDOR and Other Videos of the day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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HOT TACO VENDOR and Other Videos of the day

Fat Sophie Simmons and Her Downward Pointing Nipples Want to be an Instagram Model of the Day

Sophie Simmons is Gene Simmons’ fat daughter, who I guess is less fat than she was, at least based on these photoshopped pics of her, she’s less fat than she was at her fattest, but not as skinny as she was when she thought instagram models had to be skinny and she was starving herself and working out… I guess she realized that she’s the heiress to a billion dollar father…or worse…she realized that fat girls can make it…even if their nipples are aiming the ground like they are sad….because fat girls connect with fat girls…crazy…right… She’s got access to all the money in the world….so why she’s decided to become an instagram model, signed with an agency…seems weird to me. It’s like get a job doing something that matters, that makes even a small difference you lazy, proven by your gunt….you don’t need to be a self involved cunt taking selfies and staging photoshoots for likes…it’s weird… Not to mention anyone who cares or jerks off to her is just a weirdo KISS fan, and her tits are just another one of Gene Simmons, their god’s creations…like the KISS beer fridge, or the KISS tampons…or the KISS pile of dog shit…only the human version… The post Fat Sophie Simmons and Her Downward Pointing Nipples Want to be an Instagram Model of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Fat Sophie Simmons and Her Downward Pointing Nipples Want to be an Instagram Model of the Day

HA! Sophie Simmons Is Now A “Model”

So you know how every rich kid with famous parents basically gets a blank check to do whatever they want? Well, turns out Sophie Simmons (AKA Gene’s busty daughter) has decided she’s a “real” “model” now, and I just came across her modeling portfolio . And I will say this for Sophie: she’s definitely a lot more talented in the front meat department than the Hadids or the Jenners. Anyway, on a related note, I’ve decided I’m going to start calling myself an “award-winning journalist” from now on. » view all 12 photos Continue reading

Photoshopped Sophie Simmons Plays Washed Up Model of the Day

Sophie Simmons is Gene Simmons’ fat daughter, who I guess is less fat, at least based on her back, because why the fuck wouldn’t she be fit, she’s got access to all the money in the world and all it takes is hiring a fucking trainer to whip her into shape on her schedule in her home gym….which would take work…so why work when you have all the money in the world and don’t need to work…or workout…and you can afford all that great food…. I mean that was before she was an instagram model – or aspiring instagram model – addicted to the fame from being on TV, trying to follow her mother’s lead, thinking she’s a little hotter than she actually is thanks to positive reinforcement, trying to be the kind of girl her billionaire KISS dad was into….all while being the collector’s item real KISS fans and collectors are OBSESSED with… Because she’s looking fitter than she was, but barely, she had a minute where she was about to breakthrough before realizing that plus sized modeling is IN..so bitch squeezed IN to some lingerie…to actually have photo proof that she works… The post Photoshopped Sophie Simmons Plays Washed Up Model of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Photoshopped Sophie Simmons Plays Washed Up Model of the Day

Sophie Simmons Squishes In Little Lingerie

I knew that Sophie Simmons was trying to make the move from celebrity daughter to just “celebrity,” but I never realized that she wanted to become a lingerie model until now. Anyway, I’d point out that being Gene Simmons’ daughter doesn’t automatically qualify you to be a professional hottie, but hey, who am I to get in the way of someone’s dreams to take their clothes off for money? Enjoy. Continue reading

Nicki Minaj Selfie of the Day

I guess album sales are down. Media hits are down. Girl who was once the whitest black Lady Gaga from acting school created some weird ghetto character and owned it…only to be in the news all the fucking time about random nonsense from her fake ass, to her fake tits, to her “remember when she was the fat clown at the kids birthday parties”….to top selling artist with the most annoying “raps”…who was like more into “rape”..more than just our ears…but poor unsustpecting rappers who helped build her up… Because she’s posting slutty selfies, and slutty selfies are always a social media “Look at me, I exist, I am still here, I am still the egotistical rich cunt I always was”… All this to say – THANK GOD FOR FACETUNE…making her body look better than it obviously is… The post Nicki Minaj Selfie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Nicki Minaj Selfie of the Day

Sophie Simmons in her Underwear of the Day

Sophie Simmons is the fat Gene Simmons daughter that has huge tits KISS fans want to collect…because KISS fans collect all things KISS.. She was never hot, but had huge tits, mainly because she was fat…and instead of learning marketing or using her dad’s fortune to do something productive in her life…she decided…to become…an instagram model.. She signed to an instagram agency, that gave her instagram work and she hired a trainer to drop the 75 pounds she needed to lose, but without losing her tits, because tits were all people cared about her…so you can’t lose your marketing hook, something her dad’s taught her well…coupled with whoring that her mom taught her well…but for some reason…she’s so uneventful at…even half naked posing…. The post Sophie Simmons in her Underwear of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sophie Simmons in her Underwear of the Day

Ava Sambora 18 Year Old Bikini Party of the Day

It is safe to say that Ava Sambora is a emotionally stunted, even go as far as call her broken, rich girl brat who has everything but normalcy in her life. Her mom is some vain Heather Locklear, who you would assume has nothing else going on in her life than to parent….and her dad is in Bon Jovi…so you’d assume that he also has nothing going on in his life other than parent…but with these hollywood types, their egos and insane money gets in the way of normal upbringing…very 90s… Not to mention, her friends are all other rich kids, who’s parents are equally self involved, career and money oriented assholes….it’s the LA LIFE… The good news is that all these spoiled rich kids what to get famous too, they they have everything else, and they want to establish a name for themselves, often through vapid whore behavior like innocent bikini pics, which I guess isn’t exclusive to rich kids, but all 18 year old coeds are doing it too – making the internet a great fucking place to cruise masturbation material… The post Ava Sambora 18 Year Old Bikini Party of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ava Sambora 18 Year Old Bikini Party of the Day

Jayde Nicole Bikini of the Day

Jayde Nicole is Canadian Pride…she was the first Playmate from Canada since SOPHIE SIMMONS’ MOm… HERE IS SOPHIE SIMMONS EATING ICE CREAM TO CELEBRATE THAT TITLE.. Now back to Jayde Nicole, who in 2007 decided to drop out of school after her mom handed her a Playboy magazine and said “why don’t you do Playboy”..thanks mom, for having the white trash instinct more mom’s need to have when it comes to their slutty daughters, hell, it’s better than her ending up a stripper like her… The highlight of these pics is that she’s got her “respect” pussy tattoo visible on her mound in this bikini… Not that there’s any real high light when it comes to Jayde Nicole …she’s totally fucking uninteresting and the highlight of her life was being Brody Jenner’s girlfriend on The Hills. Who gives a fuck….check out the cameltoe…but if you want, you can just google her pussy. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE If you’re into Fame Whoring in bikinis – and you are – Here’s some Jenna Tatum ass…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Jayde Nicole Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jayde Nicole Bikini of the Day