Thank GOD,…the press is on “our” side ! The media's authoritarianism and WikiLeaks – – After I highlighted the multiple factual inaccuracies in Time's WikiLeaks article yesterday (see Update V) — and then had an email exchange with its author, Michael Lindenberger — the magazine has now appended to the article what it is calling a “correction.” In reality, the “correction” is nothing of the sort; it is instead a monument to the corrupted premise at the heart of American journalism. Initially, note that Time has refused to correct its blatantly false claim that WikiLeaks has published “thousands of classified State Department cables” and posted “thousands of secret diplomatic cables” when, in reality, they've posted only 1,269 of the more than 250,000 cables they possess: less than 1/2 of 1 %. It's true that they provided roughly 251,000 cables to five newspapers, but they have only “posted” and “published” roughly 1,200 of them. Time just decided to leave that statement standing even knowing it is factually false. More significant is the “correction” itself. It applies to Time's clearly false claim of “a distinction between WikiLeaks' indiscriminate posting of the cables . . . and the more careful vetting evidenced by The New York Times.” That is false because WikiLeaks' release of cables had not been “indiscriminate” in any sense of the word. As this AP article documents — and as a casual review of its site independently proves — WikiLeaks has done very little other than publish the specific cables that have been first released by newspapers around the world, including with the redactions applied by those papers. So did Time correct its false statement by acknowledging its unquestionable falsity and pointing to the evidence disproving it? Of course not. continued – LINK – – – – – -The media's authoritarianism and WikiLeaks – Glenn Greenwald –… graphic added by: remanns
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged article, blatantly-false, corrupted, false-statement, God, Hollywood, magazine, redactions, specific, the-redactions