Tag Archives: spider-man 3

Jar Jar Binks Creator Atones By Envisioning Avengers as Dinosaurs

Okay, Terryl Whitlatch: We’ll forgive you now for Jar Jar Binks . Take a gander at the neat-o sketches by the illustrator and Lucasfilm creature creator (who’s responsible for concocting the most annoying character known to the Star Wars universe and maybe mankind) in which members of Marvel’s The Avengers are re-envisioned… as dinosaurs. Why not? Hulkasaurus! Captain Paramerica (Aka Parasaurolophus Rogers)! Kind of brilliant, if random. And yes, I’d pay to see a dino version of The Avengers in a heartbeat. Get more dino-Avengers here . [ The Mary Sue via Gamma Squad ]

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Jar Jar Binks Creator Atones By Envisioning Avengers as Dinosaurs

How Hollywood Scrambled for the Rick Ross Biopic: ‘Like Blow, But With Crack’!

After today’s big Rich Ross news , I can’t pass up the chance to share a Rick Ross item. As in “Freeway” Rick Ross, the notorious ’80s drug lord with ties to Iran-Contra/social networking guru/film producer who has a Nick Cassavetes -penned biopic in the works (not to be confused with Rick Ro$$ the rapper). It’s early yet, but with Scarface producer Martin Bregman allegedly interested, the former drug kingpin gave Shadow & Act an update on the project. Ross and his business partner/attorney/former deputy D.A. Antonio Moore discussed the status of Ross’ biopic, written and set to be directed by Cassavetes: Ross : Let me tell you…I was out of jail one week and I was sitting in the office with Michael Lynton from Sony Pictures, Ari Emanuel from William Morris Endeavor’s office, Jeff Berg, Spencer Baumgarten of CAA and there was another guy who was the president of Universal Pictures at the time but I can’t remember his name…All these guys tried to tell me my movie wasn’t that valuable and I should cut ties with it, let them take it and do it the way they thought it should be done. Moore : I was at the Jeff Berg meeting myself and what he said was this story is very much “new content” and Hollywood right now is having major problems finding new content that resonates. He also said the script right now, which was written by Nick Cassavetes (screenwriter of Blow , director of Johnny Q and The Notebook ), has four nominations. We’ve made contacts with several black actors who we want in the picture, like Mike Epps, but most notably we’ve made a connection with Jamie Foxx. We’re in discussions to get him to play the lead possibly. He’s read the script and talked to Rick about it. One week out of prison and Hollywood was sniffing around. Of course. “It’s like the film Blow but with crack,” Moore explained. (Fun!) “It has narration and it tells the story from three different perspectives.” Ross’s Freeway Productions, meanwhile, has already produced its first feature — the horror pic The Lost Coast Tapes . More over at Shadow & Act . Photo via FreewayRick.com .

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How Hollywood Scrambled for the Rick Ross Biopic: ‘Like Blow, But With Crack’!

Here Are 13 Videos of Spider-Man Busting Amazing Dance Moves on the Internet

Look, it’s Friday. We’re all working for the weekend, here. And besides, superhero season is nigh upon us ! Do I really need a good reason for posting a collection of YouTube Spider-Men dancing in costumes on the internet? Yeah, didn’t think so. ENJOY! With great power comes great responsibility… to get down, Spidey -style. Thanks to the internetz for sending around this 2009 gem , setting me off on a journey of dancing Spider-Man discovery. I learned a lot in my quest to find the best dancing Spider-Man videos on the internet. Like the fact that “best” is a relative term when it comes to the skill level of Spideys who turn on the camera and bring it. First, Japanese Spider-Man gets down in what appears to be the subway (via G4 ): Here, two real life grown men learned the Dancing Spider-Man meme from 2002. Best part: It ends how all Numa Numa dances should end: With a kick to the nuts. Crank Dat (Soulja Boy) – Spider-Man edition: Spidey and his Marvel superhero buddies get loose wit it at a children’s birthday party: Don’t leave Montreal street busker Spider-Man hanging, bro: How about a crew of break-battling Spider-Men and Venoms? Spidey (Okay, Venom) can do the 5 Gs: Ballroom Dancing with the Superheroes: Because every banquet needs a live performance featuring men without pants performing the 2007 DJ Ozma j-pop ditty “Spiderman.” Truly. Greenscreen abuse: WTF SPIDER-MAN. These poor elephants. Oh god. And yet, I’d rather watch all of the above on repeat for eternity than sit through Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man 3 gyrations again. Best argument in favor of the Andrew Garfield reboot ? I think so. TGIF, y’all.

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Here Are 13 Videos of Spider-Man Busting Amazing Dance Moves on the Internet

Burlesque’s Tyne Stecklein on Prayer Circles with Cher and Dancing with Michael Jackson

Tyne Stecklein’s having a pretty wild week: Her film Burlesque — in which she plays a specialty dancer named Jesse — opened today, and she also performed with her Burlesque co-star Christina Aguilera on Dancing with the Stars and at the American Music Awards. You can add those experiences to Stecklein’s list impressive feats: She used to dance with Cher during her Vegas show, and she even rehearsed with Michael Jackson for his “This Is It” tour shortly before his death. Movieline caught up with the 21-year-old dancer/actress yesterday to see how her breakneck schedule is treating her.

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Burlesque’s Tyne Stecklein on Prayer Circles with Cher and Dancing with Michael Jackson

Bad Movies We Love: Spider-Man 3

We revived Bad Movies We Love last week with Cher’s Chastity , a quaint ’60s jam full of boring monologues and menacing lesbianism. But Movieline is barreling ahead with a film that combines superhero glitz, melodrama and the campy pizazz of a Gwen Stacy dye job: Spider-Man 3 . You think James Franco is fancy now with his Oscar buzz and amputee cred ? Wait until you revisit him in Spider-Man 3 , the film that pinned our disbelief under a boulder and forced us to saw it off using Topher Grace’s frosty tips. Are you emotionally ready to revisit when Spider-Man went emo?

See the article here:
Bad Movies We Love: Spider-Man 3