Tag Archives: spill-training

President Bush Evidently Way Cooler, Greener When Not President

Photo via KHL If you met a guy who lived in house that has 25,000 gallons of rainwater storage , ran on geothermal power, and who made use of his high public profile to endorse wind power, you’d probably think he was pretty green. Of course, knowing that the guy also happens to be 43rd US President George W. Bush, your impression may get a tad more complicated. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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President Bush Evidently Way Cooler, Greener When Not President

App Calculates Oil Spill Damage, Lets You Play "What If" Games

Image via NASA Goddard Photo and Video Yesterday I was perusing infographics on global oil spills over the years – a great way to feel disturbed and depressed in under an hour – and wondered how it is we even calculate the amount of oil lost in leaks. Turns out, the Oil Spill Training Company Limited has an app called The Slick Calculator And Reporter, which uses the Bonn Agreement Code — an internationally recognized system — to generate the calculations. By using the appearance of the overall … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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App Calculates Oil Spill Damage, Lets You Play "What If" Games