Tag Archives: starbucks-cups

Jessa Duggar: I NEVER Google Myself!

It’s been less than a week since  Jessa Duggar welcomed her first child , but she’s already making the media rounds in a big way. Jessa and Ben Seewald cover the new issue of People along with their son (who still doesn’t have a name !), and inside the mag, Jessa gets candid about life as a new mom and the difficulties that her family has faced over the past year. In addition to opening up about the “very intense” labor that landed her in the hospital, Jessa offers fans a glimpse into her often tumultuous life: “Despite the difficult times my family faced over the last few months, I can’t tell you how excited I am to be a first-time mom,” Jessa tells the magazine. “Ben and I can’t stop smiling.” Of course, there’s a downside to life in the public eye, and Jessa makes it clear that she takes great pains to avoid the haters: “Sometimes, it is uncomfortable, the things you see, the things you read, especially when things are reported in an inaccurate way – it’s not always nice,” the new mom says. “I don’t Google my name. There’s no reason for that, or to look to other people for that validation. We know who we are and find joy and satisfaction in God.”  Well, we’d congratulate Jessa on her new bundle of joy and her iron-clad tactic for steering clear of cyber-bullies, but the girl doesn’t Google herself?  If you see her, pass the message along, mmm-kay? View Slideshow: Jessa Duggar Baby Photos: Welcome #BabySeewald!

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Jessa Duggar: I NEVER Google Myself!

Dunkin Donuts Unveils Holiday Cups, Sticks It to Starbucks

Dunkin Donuts would like to make something very clear: Unlike certain other famous establishments out there, it does NOT hate Jesus Christ. The popular chain unveiled its 2015 holiday coffee cups on Wednesday, releasing to the public a styrofoam container with the word “Joy” surrounded by a clear symbol of the season: Branches of a Christmas tree. This design stands in stark contrast to the plain red cups favored by Starbucks this year, items that have resulted in protests around the country. One patron believes that Starbucks really does hate Jesus , while Donald Trump is threatening a Starbucks boycott . It’s not hard to understand why. Just look at these abominations! Dunkin Donuts has clearly won this round. Just consider the following Tweets, all of which were written without jest or irony in response to the chain’s joyful cup selection: Joy. I love that word – it’s profound – and captures true meaning of Christmas. @DunkinDonuts gets it right. Hey @Starbucks, while you y’all are busy being The Grinch, @DunkinDonuts is running circles around you guys. There’s nothing like waking up and worshiping God with your friends in the morning at dunkin donuts. Way to go Dunkin Donuts …the coffee tastes better, doesnt cost and you kept  it festive !  In response to Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks, Chick-Fil-A now offers fresh coffee in a replica of the actual Holy Grail. Okay, that last one was written in jest. But effectively so! Time to sound off, readers. Does Dunkin Donuts really love Jesus and Christmas more than Starbucks? Is this a legitimate controversy? Or is it the most ridiculous thing in the history of all of mankind? View Slideshow: 19 Celebrities Who Are Surprisingly Religious

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Dunkin Donuts Unveils Holiday Cups, Sticks It to Starbucks