Tag Archives: stephencolbert

Stephen Colbert Grills Wikileaks Founder on Helicopter Video [Colbert Report]

Tonight on the Colbert Report , Stephen Colbert interviewed Wikileaks founder Julian Assange . We were wondering how Colbert would handle a subject as serious as a video showing 12 people being killed. Well, he handled it pretty seriously. More

Stephen Colbert Shows Off His iPad’s Vegetable-Slicing Capabilities [Colbert Report]

Stephen Colbert got an iPad and he is very excited to use it. To prepare salsa. Do not click if you are one of those weirdos who always worries about “voiding the warranty” on their gadgets. (What’s with those guys?) More

Conan Gets His Revenge: The Late Night Clips You Missed While You Were Sleeping

NBC’s Dick Ebersol extends an invitation to Stephen Colbert , the masturbating bear makes a special appearance on Conan’s show, Aresnio Hall gives Jay a visit, Adam Sandler commiserates, and many more late-night antics rounded up by Gawker.TV’s Matt Cherette. “Ratings for our Tonight Show are up by fifty percent. When NBC executives heard this they told me, ‘See?

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Conan Gets His Revenge: The Late Night Clips You Missed While You Were Sleeping