Some pretty cruel pranks have been uploaded to YouTube over the years. We've cringed as people faked heart attacks . We've chuckled as “friends” tricked one another into drinking hot sauce . But the king of blurring the line between funny and f–ked up has gotta be YouTube comic and certifiably insane father of one, Roman Atwood. You may remember Roman from the time he convinced his girlfriend that he launched their toddler off a balcony . In his latest clip, he steps his game up by making her believe the kid was blown up in a horrific four-wheeler accident. Yes, it's hard to watch, but the girl stays with him, so we assume he's the ideal boyfriend and father in every other respect. What's a little psychological torture when the guy's willing to make dinner afterward?
The rest is here:
Dad Pretends to Blow-Up 3-Year-Old in World’s Meanest Prank: WATCH!