Tag Archives: stop-because

Lindsay Pulsipher’s True Blood Tittes of the Day

I don’t watch True Blood, I hate the vampire shit, but I do watch titties…so here is a clip from Season 4, Episode 4 of True Blood tits… Her name is Lindsay Pulshipher and she’s making the right moves to get noticed….because being on a popular show is one thing, but being the tits on that popular show is so much more…


See the article here:
Lindsay Pulsipher’s True Blood Tittes of the Day

Nicole Richie and Samantha Ronson in Bikini of the Day

I’ve met both Samantha Ronson and Nicole Richie and they both hate me enough to block me on Facebook and Twitter and that would hurt me if I actually found them interesting enough to hang out with, cuz even in their bikinis, they’re just a couple of low level cunts, spoiled, elitist, adopted by a musicians cuz their real dads don’t give a fuck about them for valid reasons, but at least they found each other, hustle.. Nicole Richie who led DJ AM to an early grave by calling off the wedding, and getting knocked up by a good charlotte sister, Sam Ronson who has led Lohan to a similar fate….making me want to stay away even though I love all bitches in their bikinis… So here are some shitty people living shitty lives and here are the pics…. To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

See the rest here:
Nicole Richie and Samantha Ronson in Bikini of the Day

Rihanna Loses Her Top Filming the Irish Video that Pisses Off Farmers of the Day

You may have heard that Rihanna was filming a video in Ireland and the farmer who owned the property they were filming on asked them to stop because it was too slutty for his Irish Catholic morals and values…which led him to question whether Rihanna has relationship with god, and if so, she needs to work on it, without realizing she obviously sold her soul to the devil to get to this level….. Well apparently she lost her top and the paparazzi were there cuz it makes for a good story….and generates some press…unfortunatley, I haven’t found her nipples yet – no matter how hard I zoom in… TO See the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

Go here to see the original:
Rihanna Loses Her Top Filming the Irish Video that Pisses Off Farmers of the Day