Tag Archives: being-the-tits

Jennifer Connelly Lost her Tits and Swam Her Ass Off of the Day

Even Jennifer Connelly is asking where her tits went…. She is 45 year old and her body is pretty fucking fit, so no complaints there, this could be a lot more disgusting an experience… But the only real complaint is that her monster tits she once had are no more, I guess that happens with menopause, the fear of getting older so you turn to fitness or aybe some hormone therapy to feel and be youthful. It could be starvation that makes her lose fat everywhere….or at 45 it could even be cancer….or some other disease making her rot away…who knows…I just remember her for her tits…I remember her being the tits you’d seek to find in independent movies at the Video store when renting DVDs and VHS were your porn..without being porn…and now she’s just a tight bodied old lady… My only question is why her fitness program doesn’t include doing squats – because clearly she works out – I mean that or just starves herself like smart girls do…but she has too much energy to be starved….because along with losing her tits..she’s lost her ass…and I mean to not have an ass is the female equivalent of bros who always skip their leg day…it’s just makes for a more awkward experience when it comes to jerking off to an old lady… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Jennifer Connelly Lost her Tits and Swam Her Ass Off of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jennifer Connelly Lost her Tits and Swam Her Ass Off of the Day

Lindsay Pulsipher’s True Blood Tittes of the Day

I don’t watch True Blood, I hate the vampire shit, but I do watch titties…so here is a clip from Season 4, Episode 4 of True Blood tits… Her name is Lindsay Pulshipher and she’s making the right moves to get noticed….because being on a popular show is one thing, but being the tits on that popular show is so much more…


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Lindsay Pulsipher’s True Blood Tittes of the Day

Christina Hendricks Titties on Stage of the Day

Christina Hendricks brought her tits to some stage show she’s doing to legitimize herself as an actual actor, you know in the “artist” sense of the term, so she can tell James Lipton that being the tits on a hit TV show, although lucrative and key to making her a household name, nothing quite resonates her art as being in front of a live audience to interract with via the stage…and she did it all with Dougie Howser MD, post homosexuality and comeback…. Unfortunately, all I see is a fat chick in period lingerie, showing off her fat tits, cuz in the 20s or 30s, this kind of body was considered well fed, wealthy and healhty, as everyone else was dying of the black plague….polio and other great depression good times…like Syphilis… To See Another Pic of These Tits FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Christina Hendricks Titties on Stage of the Day

Sofia Vergara in Lingerie Clip from 2007 of the Day

This is a clip from some bullshit called Dirty Sexy Money which I assume Sofia Vergara did back in 2007 when she was was struggling to get work, but landed 4 episodes of this show, before her spic tits made it into high paid primetime programming, and I am posting it because she’s all famous now thanks to Modern Family and the world is all in love with her and I know that in order to get from being a poor Columbian daughter of a druglord to being the tits every married man forced to watch shitty television cuz his wife owns him and the TV remote, wants to fuck means that a lot of the real good cocksuckin’ went down and I always appreciate a good whore making it to the top when she can’t even speak the fucking language. Sometimes it’s nice to start they day to remember where you came from and where you got started before really appreciating where you are today, except in my case, since it’s all been downhill since the start. Enjoy this stellar acting and sheer talent that made her the star she is today…it’s tame, it’s from ABC, coincidentally the same network that brings you Modern Family, which may not be a coincidence at all, thanks to her gag reflex or lack there of….whore should be cleaning hotel rooms, you know making beds not hit TV shows…but at least she has tits.


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Sofia Vergara in Lingerie Clip from 2007 of the Day