Tag Archives: stopped-finding

Pam Anderson Panty Flash at an Event Cuz She’s Trash of the Day

Maybe I am being a little too traditional in saying that Pam Anderson is a piece of trash for showing up to an event in a panty exposing dress.

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Pam Anderson Panty Flash at an Event Cuz She’s Trash of the Day

Woman with 6 Nipples of the Day

A little known fact about me, mainly because no one cares to ask about little known facts about me, because no one cares about me, is that I have 3 nipples. I remember when I first noticed the shit growing up and I thought it was just a birthmark, until one day having a doctor tell me I had three nipples in a routine check-up when I was 14, making me insecure as shit about swimming classes and hanging at beaches, leading to me over-eating and drinking to numb the pain, until becoming too fat to notice a third nipple on provided I was topless, because people would be too amazed or disgusted seeing me topless and walking around with a gut like mine, until eventually I stopped finding the third nipple weird and stopped really caring…but then I saw this video, and this bitch and her 6 nipples is fucking disgusting, send her to the fuckin’ barn and milk her like the cow she is, because seeing this is horrible and unnatural.

See the original post here:
Woman with 6 Nipples of the Day