Tag Archives: stripper-mother

Katie Price Christmas of the Day

Katie Price / Jordan is a magical creature…from the past who is now old and menopausal after many children with various men…but she’s a memory of what was, and she’s still bringing it… One of the best self promoters of all time….a Glamour model who almost created the Glamour model industry in the last 20 years, inspiring other UK sluts to follow her lead.. She took being stripper trash with the dumbest fucking abnormal…almost comical implants to the next level…by turning herself into a abnormally huge breasted brand…which as far as I’m concerned is more fun than all the other brands out there…especially McDonalds..that shit kills. I just like a woman who jacked herself up for pay…and if you’re going to get implants…make them fucking count…. Katie Price, whatever she may be counts…even though she’s old…her body is boxy…her face photoshopped badly, but likely better than her face injections. This is her Christmas shoot, that would be criminal of me not to post…even though Christmas is over…it lives on in our hearts and in Katie Price photos I guess.. The post Katie Price Christmas of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Katie Price Christmas of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld’s Ass on Vacation of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld is out there working it for the paparazzi in Hawaii, she’s got a movie, Pitch Perfect 3, to promote…it’s critical for her to remind people she exists, now more than ever, because she’s taken her celebrity trainer father’s lead and started working out, making her far more interesting to look at, in what I like to call fat-shaming works, especially on young girls… Now she’s fitter, better to look at, healthier and walking around half naked and in fitness gear with more confidence.. You can’t encourage a fat chick that she looks good or that it’s healthy, because it’s not healthy…you need to say “hey fatt, you’re fat, no one likes fat people, and you’re trying to be a pop star AND an actress, over achiever, how about putting some of that money making skill into your fitness”..and she did..and it’s good…if you like younger half naked chicks like some kind of pervert… Here she is in bikini…. Here she is in workout gear…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Hailee Steinfeld’s Ass on Vacation of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Hailee Steinfeld’s Ass on Vacation of the Day

Hailie Scott- Eminem’s Daughter – Good Shirt of the Day

Hailie Scott is Eminem’s daughter who you probably remember being a big part of his storyline in his early albums / only albums, I mean I don’t remember any Eminem, not because he wasn’t or isn’t the biggest rapper of all time, and not because he’s not clever in his jokes, but because I just don’t listen to that shit…but I do remember Hailie…who is instagramming her fit young body hard…tits out…like her stripper mother trained her properly to do…all rich as fuck because her dad is Eminem…a weird thing to think of since she looks like mid-western trashy college chick on Florida spring break, but I guess that’s pretty much what she is….just cuz Eminem got paid and lives in a huge house…doesn’t mean his daughter isn’t cut from basic white chick cloth…but the good news is that hse’s fit and busty, not some fat and lazy slob packing the freshman 15 in all her pics cuz she can thanks to being Eminem’s daughter and never having to work or really do anything by lay and eat treats… I guess what I am saying is that she’s hot…even if she looks like every college kid at an EDM show…I’m a fan of the real slim shady, except for the tits, they may not be real. The post Hailie Scott- Eminem’s Daughter – Good Shirt of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Hailie Scott- Eminem’s Daughter – Good Shirt of the Day

Some Pregnant Holly Madison Bikini Pics of the Day

Holly Madison made it in life as a nude model in Playboy and I guess she’s out endorsing her out of wedlock, statistic in training, future criminal with a criminal father and stripper who pretends to be more than a stripper mother genetic pool, fetus that is polluting her uterus the only way she knows how….by posing in a bikini….once a whore always a whore…a constant that makes me happy in this cold miserable evil filled world…. She’s not ready to drop porn fetish worthy yet, but when she is, you’ll probbaly be sure to see her spread eagled…cuz that’s just the kind of lady she is. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Some Pregnant Holly Madison Bikini Pics of the Day