Sometimes it is important to off set looking at hot young photoshopped chicks from instagram in bikinis – by looking at zombies in bikinis…you know to renew our love for the hot young photoshopped chicks from instagram in bikinis – because we are getting desensitized to hot chicks in bikinis – and forget that there is a world where not every chick is a hot chick in a bikini… But the problem with this strategy is that being bored with hot girls, is terrifying and leads to Zombies being new and exciting, and disgusting…but different you weirdo. The post Bethenny Frankel the Crypt Keeper in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on .
The BRIT awards happened, which I guess is another award show that no one cares about except maybe the people nominated and the people using the red carpet to draw some media attention to themselves, in what is a “let’s celebrate people who are already celebrated, by putting them up against each other, despite all being winners, to give a sense of challenge, or a benchmark or goal to reach, even if it doesn’t actually matters, but it helps massage their egos”….you know typical marketing hype to sell ads and get “important” people together for a night of bullshit.. OBVIOUSLY the UK’s own was there clickbaiting as hard as she could, I mean this is probably a dream of hers, especially now that’s she’s actually started to get some recognition internationally and in America, where she’s been scrambling for so long, it’s her time to shine….so she put on her best diaper so that she doesn’t shit herself in the process with all the excitement of finally making it… RITA ORA…a legend in the making…who no one knows who or what she does…besides Rihanna impressions…but girls making it happen…in a diaper….with them famous for her tits famous tits. Here she is on the red carpet TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Rita Ora in a Diaper and Bra of the Day appeared first on .
Rumer Willis was a monster but now she’s looking hot…thanks to science…the one thing her mom left her with, a list of plastic surgeons that and a trust fund to spend her days working out and doing this…sitting around in a bikini… I’ve always been freaked out by Rumer Willis’ weird face that I blame on bad genetics, her parents drug addiction, and a bionic mother who has modified herself to look like a different person…something you’d call scam if you married her and ended up with one of his kids lookin like this….before the work got done but not genetically meant to be…. I support the new Rumer Willis…even if it’s all lies…I think lies, if they look good enough to fuck, are lies I can support, not to mention, I’m not some weird Christian, who believes that lying is wrong….so keep the lie up girl…it’s good. The post Rumer Willis Ass in a Thong of the Day appeared first on .
Hayden Panettiere always fascinates me…and has for a long time…well before she was a mom and sex toy to a 7 foot tall Russian heavyweight boxer who you know fucking destroys her everytime they fuck….something she may like, because the rehab going rich broken kid probably doesn’t feel unless it’s really thrust into her…so like cutting…or other things these broken women do to feel or channel pain they internalize.. she uses cock internally to rip out her insides…… But then again, I wasn’t in her rehab facility or her group therapy, I have no idea what her issues are, but there are issues…like a Selena Gomez…and that’s what happens when you’re raised in Hollywood by Soap Star weirdos, all vain and superficial, thrown into the industry, like a dwarf and a dwarf toss, because she’s midget sized, where nerds fell in love with her, because nerds are easy to seduce, and her strong muscular back, got jerked off to…before disappearing…until today…when this bathing suit comeback happened… it’s weird…but she’s got some tits doesn’t she… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Hayden Panettiere in a Swimsuit of the Day appeared first on .
I love Cassandra Dawn …because she’s a fucking babe… In case you don’t know who she is, she is a pretty well known girl in the LA scene…who has been around for a minute…but is still under 25…so we can hope will be around for a lot more minutes…preferably spending some of those minutes as my my wife…because I have commitment issues but she’s so good I am willing to try… You see, she’s got this great fucking look, and smile and this perfect balance of perfect…a tall, asian, with a twin, who if you google will see her naked shoots for companies like Playboy and TREATS…and we all know how much I love girl willing to get naked because naked is beautiful and naked is not a big deal or something we should hide…it should be celebrated…especially in pictures so I can participate without leaving my house… That said, naked or not, we don’t want to focus on the past, the past just brought us here…it’s more about the future…. FOLLOW HER but don’t try to steal her from me…it will upset me. I don’t like sharing the few girls I like with you. I like to hoard but she’s too fun to keep for myself…
Sara Malakul Lane is this amazing creature and I call her a creature because she’s half asian, and asians are robots or aliens…but that doesn’t mean they aren’t good to have sex with, in fact, it makes them better… She was a soap star or child star in Thailand, and now she’s in America…hopefully for the fat people…and not fame and fortune…because under that assumption and as a fat person…I can give her all she needs…totally ready to suffocate on her while she’s sitting on my face…I can pretend her ass is an all you can eat buffet….and if I die in the process…I’ll be glad it happened…I’ve been trying to eat myself to death for decades…this would be a good end to a horrible story…. That said, she hasn’t necessarily made it as a huge A List start, but that doesn’t mean she won’t…she’s just getting started and she’s making a movie a month…more importantly…she is one of those big breasted asian actors totally eager and willing to get naked in movies because it is sure as hell better than doing Thai Ping Pong shows, at least according to her and not me, because according to me, life would be better if I could buy you for 5 dollars an hour, instead of staring at screen and renting her movie Jailbait for 5 dollars…because some of us still rent DVDs…the Video Store is the one place you can find girls who aren’t uppity… Here are a bunch of the nudes from the movie..because that is the kind of acting I’ve always loved.
So according to Paula Deen, this Black guy in the NFL came out…and according to people watching this video…he has what could be a boner in spandex because as a gay guy…spandex probably makes him feel like a pretty little lady…or more importantly…as a gay guy…he’s probably feeling like he’s on set of a gay porn he’s starring in…all those strong muscular professional athletes bending and stretching in front of him…oh shit just wait for the locker room…where you know he’s grabbing his ankles hoping someone initiates him…not that I care…it’s just funny… Here’s a black man who is against gay black males coming out and who blames Obama and Oprah…so he’s making an announcement…”Obama has released the homo demon on the black man, look out black woman, a white homo may take your man….”…Good job Atlah Church for being as ignorant as fuck…insane… If you’re anti boner videos, here’s a reporter Eats her Own Snot on TV of the Day