Tag Archives: stupid-activity

Lucy Hale’s “Hot” Instagram Bikini Pic of the Day

Lucy Hale posted this hilarious ass pic to instagram that I can only assume is her posing with her handicapped sibling, trying got share some of the attention she is getting, you know because she’s a nice sister like that…or maybe her intentions are more in line with the fact that she’s some tween celebrity pushing 25, who probably has a team of people, a lot of money, and a shitty attitude, who knows that posing with her fat friend, or weird shaped friend, will just make her look all the hotter. I mean these celebrities, even if you’ve never heard of them, know what they are doing, that’s why they are at the level of success they are at, so assuming they don’t know the most obvious way to make themselves look hotter… It is easier than make-up, or fitness and it is the same move so many girls in clubs pull, it is the same move that usually leads to me having sex with a fat friend, because the fat friend demands some of the attention the hot friend I want to have sex with is getting…I think it is just female instinct to hang with uglier chicks…so I wouldn’t put it past this Lucy Hale character… TO SEE THE REST OF THE BIKINI PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Lucy Hale’s “Hot” Instagram Bikini Pic of the Day

Crazy Parasail Accident in Florida of the Day

I never trust stupid beach activities usually run by retards, but I am not the norm. Most people blindly jump into things…like these teens who got detached from the boat and slammed into a building. I was going to say if you’re in Florida, worst things could happen than your parasail detaches from the boat and slams you into a building, like the fact that you are in Florida … I mean there’s a reason why the trailer park ceilings are too low to hang yourself …and more importantly why meth is so popular there. But the story isn’t funny, the girls are teens from Indiana, they have critical injuries and they are fighting for their lives, all because a stupid activity that was meant to be fun. Apparently, they need money for their Medical expenses, I don’t know if this is a legit page or not, so be careful whenever sending money on the internet…but if you want to help the girls out DONATE HERE I am a modern day saint. I like using my internet powers for good not evil.

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Crazy Parasail Accident in Florida of the Day