Tag Archives: support-the-mom

Mom Beats Daughter For Sharing Racy Photos, Posts Video on Facebook

When a 12-year-old girl posted racy photos of herself on Facebook, her mom was upset. So she beat her HARD and posted a video of THAT on Facebook: Mom BEATS Daughter This was not your run-of-the-mill beating, either. Helen Bartlett whipped her offspring with a strap for several minutes, causing the video to go viral and spark a heated debate over corporal punishment. Some viewers support the mom’s actions, while others are appalled, for obvious reasons – and this isn’t even the full-length video she put online. You can see the uncensored version Barlett shared – and has no regrets about. She says she is “prepared to go to jail” to set her “problem child” straight. She says she beat her daughter for posting underwear photos and sexting, and did it to keep her off the streets and stop her from getting pregnant. Noble goals, to be sure … but seriously? Perhaps most amazingly, a few days after this went up, the 12-year-old and her older sister put up their own video, in which they defended their mom. They said she was a good mother who just wanted to protect them, reassuring viewers that her mom loves her and she has no intention of killing herself. She hasn’t, however, been back to school. Since the video of the beating went viral last week, her mother says she fears being made fun of there and getting bullied … how’s that for irony? In her video, the 12-year-old said, “I am very sorry for bringing shame on you and the family. I know you love me dearly. And I love you dearly, too.” You be the judge … right or wrong?!   Right! Sometimes, very tough love is what kids need! Wrong? This is way, WAY over the line! View Poll »

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Mom Beats Daughter For Sharing Racy Photos, Posts Video on Facebook

Top Girls in the Kitchen Half Naked Fetish Videos on Youtube of the Day

I do these youtube fetish videos posts, because I know people use youtube to jerk off and that makes me mad, cuz my site is the one banned in offices and schools as porn, even though no one jerks off to it, making life unfair, corpoorations always win, Occupy Walstreet, support the mom and pop smut site Today’s fetish – girls in the kitchen acting slutty – even if the kitchen is where you think women belong – sexist. Immigrant chicks cook half naked… It’s an Outdoor Kitchen – But a Kitchen None The Less – Don’t Discriminate Weird Thanksgiving Bikini Cooking Show… Making Spaghetti Some Big Tits Cooking Girl Seducing at the BBQ Sloppy Bitch in a Bikini Top…. After you cook – you need to clean… After you clean – You dance… After you Dance – You Invite Friends to Join

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Top Girls in the Kitchen Half Naked Fetish Videos on Youtube of the Day