Tag Archives: sure-someone

Dora Madison Burge Naked of the Day

Dora Madison Burge is not famous, but apparently she’s on TV, on a show called Chicago Fire, that is not to be confused with Chicago PD, or Chicago Medics, or any of the other Chicago based emergency worker shows that I guess are some kind of franchise that people are into watching…because people are morons and need simplistic topics to get locked into a show and give TV their ratings, that actually don’t mean anything, but that are how they sell their ads. THAT SAID….Dora Madison Burge is on the shit, but more interestingly, she’s posting nudes to her instagram that has 10 followers, either to get noticed, to maximize her social media presence, or to take advantage of booking TV show…and leveraging it like a Bella Thorne… I went to her social media, that you can google, I’m not paid to promote Instagram, and her posts are all on the “Down with the Patriarchy” “feminist” shit…so this ass pic is for feminism..just to be clear…when you sexualize it. The post Dora Madison Burge Naked of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Dora Madison Burge Naked of the Day

YouTuber Kim Johansson Titties of the Day

Here’s me trying to stay relevant with a YOUTUBER who is trying to stay relevant…her name is The Real Kim J and she’s got a bunch of followers or subscribers and she talks about shit like losing 30 pounds..that’s about as deep as I got into her programming to really realize I don’t really need to know anything more about her…but that I am willing to post her nudes, even though they terrify me, because I figure young people follower her, and I want young people to follow me to carry the site into the next generation of internet smut…. I am sure someone out there will be into this…her fan or whatever….but I figure if you’re playing off Kim K, being Kim K, do the sex tape…not the nude selfies…dick in low grade women..makes them more interesting. The post YouTuber Kim Johansson Titties of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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YouTuber Kim Johansson Titties of the Day

Alicia Keys Naked and Pregnant of the Day

Want to know something that I’ve never ever wanted to see in the history of my existence…I’m talking not in 2001 when her big song made her a breakout star…and not now… Alicia Keys nude, pregnant or not, promoting anything… If anything, she’s the kind of girl who might as well not be a girl to me…and I don’t know why – I am sure she’s sweet, and lovely, like all these rich and famous people with staff and handlers are…and I am sure someone out there finds her hot…but for me…someone who will look at anyone naked…and I mean anyone…I mean you should see some of the girls I have gone down on, you’d throw up…but for some reason…a reason beyond pregnancy..this does nothing to me…and I guess that’s why I am compelled to post it…

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Alicia Keys Naked and Pregnant of the Day

Kate Gosselin Bikini Pictures

I’m really sorry about this folks, but Kate Gosselin is in the news all the time and she was on that dancing show and I thought that maybe if I put up pictures of her in a bikini I might get a little more traffic today. Sadly that means that all of us now have a picture burnt into our minds of Kate Gosselin in a frikin’ bikini. Believe me, I’m not happy about it either, but that’s life. Anyhow, I’m sure someone out there actually like Kate and this is making her day. Enjoy, or at least try.

Little Kid Gets Awarded for Being a Pervert of the Day

Someone played a prank on a local Virgina TV show and I’m sure someone is going to get fired for this.

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Little Kid Gets Awarded for Being a Pervert of the Day