Tag Archives: sure-thought

Selena Gomez Twitter Bikini Pics from the Spring Breakers of the Day

Selena Gomez is really the only bitch who matters on the set of Spring Breakers…and I don’t really need to go into it because anyone with a dick knows she’s 19, looks 12 with implants, has probably learned to suck dick like a pro over the years of being whored out by her ghetto spic mom, so that the family can live the good life….sacrifice the innocence of one, for the benefit of the half dozen other kids they likely have….I’ve seen Puerto Rican / Mexican / Ecuadorian / Colombian families and their mini vans filled with Jesus’ little “say no to contraception” gifts…I get how it works…. Someone posted pics of her in bikini with some vag definition – hanging with dudes who look like every other dude these days…and I’m into it.

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Selena Gomez Twitter Bikini Pics from the Spring Breakers of the Day

Rihanna Smokes for Instagram of the Day

Here are some pictures Rihanna posted to twitter for her young fans to teach them that with a little smoke and a little slutty behavior…they too can be famous too….not necessarily at her level of pop-stardom….but definitely with all the guys who they let cum on their faces in exchange for false promises…or money….cuz seriously…no matter how much Rihanna wants to sing about loving the smell of chains and whips, her fan base is still 12….cuz no adult can listen to her shit and take it seriously enough to follow her on twitter…this shit is for the youth….the kind of role model I can’t just get behind…but that I’d love to get behind.

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Rihanna Smokes for Instagram of the Day

Kelly Brook Titties in an Ad of the Day

Here is some campaign that Kelly Brook is doing for socks, a campaign that is clearly written by a retard who I am sure thought was so clever, using some play on words bullshit and stuffing her bra jokes… Her face looks horrible, one would even call it a wreck that should be retired..but those tits…those tits are big….and sometimes…like in Kelly Brook’s case…that’s all that matters.

See more here:
Kelly Brook Titties in an Ad of the Day