Tag Archives: surround-myself

Ireland Baldwin Sluts it Up of the DAy

I am a massive Ireland Baldwin fan and Ireland Baldwin is massive… She’s making a comeback, back to her original hustle, as the bikini clad butt shot, look at her big tits and round ass, because she’s big….California girl..Something she was doing so well early on in her social media whoring…before she went dark, got all these tattoos, became a lesbian weirdo, and made her way back…all while her cousin, the Kardashian groupie – STOLE her fucking dream… I am glad to see that despite being rich, privileged, entitled, disgusting, she’s managed to pull through….you know all odds were against her being Alec Baldwin and Kim Bassinger’s kid…the struggle real…situation Well…it’s just too bad I’ve been blocked from her social media so that I can’t jerk off to it all day like I am supposed to…but luckily people repost this shit so I can still get my taste of her…in a romantic where there is a will there’s a way….you can’t shun me Ireland…I’m here. The post Ireland Baldwin Sluts it Up of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Ireland Baldwin Sluts it Up of the DAy

Alicia Vikander in a Bikini on a Yacht of the Day

Alicia Vikander is some scam that Hollywood created. They put her in some movies, gave her an Oscar and now they can cast her in high paying movies that make the executives more and more money and everyone gets rich in the process… There has to be a story of a high powered dude who she has dirt on, or who really likes her, because her existence makes no sense….she came from no where and now is everywhere.. I do like that she’s skinny in a bikini though, I mean nothing quite as good to look at than a skinny girl, especially when you’re like me and have a skinny girl fetish, since all the pussy around you is fat, sloppy, and fucking disgusting…seeing some toned stomach and little tits is a bit of a treat…and I like treats, not quite as much as the fat women I surround myself with.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Alicia Vikander in a Bikini on a Yacht of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Alicia Vikander in a Bikini on a Yacht of the Day

Jennifer Aniston: Frustrated With Pressure to Have a Baby!

Jennifer Aniston’s latest film has not been well-received by critics, as evidenced by early We’re The Millers reviews , but that’s not the criticism she’s concerned with. She’s really sick of all the baby questions and pressure to start a family! Perhaps because she plays a stripper posing as a married mother of two, or just because she’s Jennifer Aniston, her family plans have become a hot topic. The beautiful actress has often been asked 24/7 about when she plans to have a baby of her own with Justin Theroux, her fiance since last summer. Aniston admits she gets frustrated when journalists go there. Often times, they think they’re “trying to relate it to the movie with, ‘Oh, if I was to have a child how many kids do I want?’ And ‘do I want a boy or a girl?'” “I didn’t realize you could place orders! I honestly didn’t realize it was like a drive-through, that you could talk to a little electronic voice,” she said. The star said she tries her best to ignore it all, saying “I surround myself with my amazing work, my amazing friends, my amazing partner, my beautiful dogs.” ” I tune that noise out . I mean, I think it’s very sweet that people want everything for me,” she explained, but says she’s “so content and happy” as is. The 44-year-old certainly acts – and looks it. If you haven’t seen the natural beauty that is Jennifer Aniston without makeup , check out the video below: Jennifer Aniston Without Make-Up

Originally posted here:
Jennifer Aniston: Frustrated With Pressure to Have a Baby!