Tag Archives: system-on-drug

Ricky Martin, Other Latin Celebs Agree: Arizona Sucks!

If you’re a legal immigrant in Arizona, walking down the street with your child, you may now get stopped by the police solely based on the color of your skin. While it seems incomprehensible that such a law could be passed in the United States, it’s a sad fact. It’s also one that Shakira spoke out against yesterday and then actually headed down to Phoenix to discuss in person with the mayor and other locals. Turns out, she isn’t the only celebrity (or American with a conscience) to object to this law. At last night’s Billboard Latin Music Awards, Ricky Martin said the ruling “makes no sense” and then went off on inequality in general: “You are not alone. We are with you. Put a stop to discrimination. Put a stop to hate. Put a stop to racism… Long live love, long live peace.” The singer himself came out of the (obvious) closet last month. A few others on hand also chimed in on the issue. Said Latin Artist of the Year winner, Larry Hernandez: “It’s regrettable that they are discriminating against for the simple fact of looking Latino. It’s not fair. We have to say no to that law.” Meanwhile, at a Phoenix press conference, Arizona native Linda Ronstadt stated: “Mexican-Americans are not going to take this lying down.” It’s a contentious issue, one many Americans don’t understand: this is racial profiling at its worst. Imagine if all African-Americans were detained and searched simply because there are more blacks in the system on drug charges than whites. It’s the same idea. Sound off with your thoughts now!

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Ricky Martin, Other Latin Celebs Agree: Arizona Sucks!