Tag Archives: taylor-armstrong

Happy 65th Birthday, Bill Clinton!

The 42nd President of the United States of America, Bill Clinton, celebrates his birthday today. The Big Dawg is now 65. Happy birthday, Bubba! William Jefferson Clinton, the pride of Hope, Ark., remains the only Democrat to win two full White House terms since Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He also presided over the largest peacetime economic expansion in U.S. history, and left office extremely popular despite being impeached. Hey, no one’s perfect, right? His wife, Hillary Clinton, is currently U.S. Secretary of State. Their daughter, Chelsea, married Marc Mezvinsky last summer in New York State. In a political flip-flop of Mitt Romney-esque proportions, Bill Clinton is marking his 65th birthday by going vegan. Seriously. No more burgers! What a difference a quadruple bypass makes. “I like the vegetables, the fruits, the beans, the stuff I eat now,” the ex-President tells CNN. After experiencing heart problems leading up to the 2004 surgery, Clinton has now lost 20 lbs.: “I feel good, and I have so much more energy.” Glad to hear. Have a veggie burger on us tonight, BC!

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Happy 65th Birthday, Bill Clinton!

Russell Armstrong to Be Cremated

With Bravo still considering its options for The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills , and with a new rumor spreading that Russell Armstrong recently broke the cheekbones of his wife, at least one aspect of this tragedy has been settled: The late reality star will be cremated and a funeral will be held for him in Los Angeles next week. There had reportedly been a conflict over where Russell’s ashes would be spread – California or Texas – but because the couple was still married at the time of his suicide, Taylor is making the funeral arrangement. Troy Christiansen, an attorney for Russell’s side of the family, tells TMZ the current arrangement is fine with his clients.

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Russell Armstrong to Be Cremated

Is This Why Russell Armstrong Killed Himself?

The autopsy results are in and the coroner has made it official: Russell Armstrong died by “hanging and the final manner of death is suicide.” But why? Why did the estranged husband of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Taylor Armstrong take his own life ? It’s a question that will never have an answer, but two theories have emerged: 1. Money problems . Russell was facing a $1.5 million lawsuit, had no assets to his name and told People weeks before his death: “It got really overwhelming. When you get a TV show involved and all the pressure, it just takes it to a whole new level.” 2. A tell-all book was reportedly on the way, according to Radar Online, that would have exposed Russell as a bisexual . “There were people on the record that were going to talk about the kind of sex he liked,” a source said . “He was into S&M type stuff; choking, rough-housing and slapping.” We hate to gossip in such a manner about the dead, but at times like this, it’s hard not to wonder. Bravo, meanwhile, might delay the premiere of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills as it considers all options in dealing with this tragedy.

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Is This Why Russell Armstrong Killed Himself?

Is This Why Russell Armstrong Killed Himself?

The autopsy results are in and the coroner has made it official: Russell Armstrong died by “hanging and the final manner of death is suicide.” But why? Why did the estranged husband of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Taylor Armstrong take his own life ? It’s a question that will never have an answer, but two theories have emerged: 1. Money problems . Russell was facing a $1.5 million lawsuit, had no assets to his name and told People weeks before his death: “It got really overwhelming. When you get a TV show involved and all the pressure, it just takes it to a whole new level.” 2. A tell-all book was reportedly on the way, according to Radar Online, that would have exposed Russell as a bisexual . “There were people on the record that were going to talk about the kind of sex he liked,” a source said . “He was into S&M type stuff; choking, rough-housing and slapping.” We hate to gossip in such a manner about the dead, but at times like this, it’s hard not to wonder. Bravo, meanwhile, might delay the premiere of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills as it considers all options in dealing with this tragedy.

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Is This Why Russell Armstrong Killed Himself?

Is This Why Russell Armstrong Killed Himself?

The autopsy results are in and the coroner has made it official: Russell Armstrong died by “hanging and the final manner of death is suicide.” But why? Why did the estranged husband of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Taylor Armstrong take his own life ? It’s a question that will never have an answer, but two theories have emerged: 1. Money problems . Russell was facing a $1.5 million lawsuit, had no assets to his name and told People weeks before his death: “It got really overwhelming. When you get a TV show involved and all the pressure, it just takes it to a whole new level.” 2. A tell-all book was reportedly on the way, according to Radar Online, that would have exposed Russell as a bisexual . “There were people on the record that were going to talk about the kind of sex he liked,” a source said . “He was into S&M type stuff; choking, rough-housing and slapping.” We hate to gossip in such a manner about the dead, but at times like this, it’s hard not to wonder. Bravo, meanwhile, might delay the premiere of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills as it considers all options in dealing with this tragedy.

See the article here:
Is This Why Russell Armstrong Killed Himself?

Taylor Armstrong and Russell Armstrong

“We still love each other, but after going through counseling it has gotten to the point that the stress is just too much for both of us,” Russell tells OK! Weekly. “I want Taylor to be the biggest actress on TV, and I want to feel happy not being on TV.” The marriage between Taylor Armstrong and Russell Armstrong appears to be over. And the couple has never sounded more supportive of each other! Russell has already moved out, but no divorce papers have been signed yet. Expect some kind of d

Originally posted here:
Taylor Armstrong and Russell Armstrong

Bing! Kate Hudson’s Baby Name Revealed …

Kate Hudson and her rocker fianc

Mistrial Declared in Roger Clemens Perjury Trial

The judge declared a mistrial today in Roger Clemens’ perjury case after prosecutors showed jurors evidence that was previously ruled inadmissible. U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton said the prosecutors had made a grave error and that the baseball legend could no longer be assured a fair trial. Walton scheduled a September 2 hearing to determine whether to hold a new trial, but the jurors were dismissed and the case is off – for now. Roger Clemens was indicted for perjury for allegedly lying to Congress during a 2008 investigation into performance-enhancing drug use in the sport. He is not being charged with using drugs, per se, but for knowingly false testimony he allegedly gave involving his use of the substances years ago. This morning, in the second day of testimony, the judge interrupted prosecutors’ playing of a video from his 2008 testimony before Congress. The jury was removed from the room. When they returned, they were dismissed, and the judge issued the following explanation of why: “There are rules that we play by and those rules are designed to make sure both sides receive a fair trial. If this man got convicted, he would go to jail.” Because prosecutors broke his rules, “the ability with Mr. Clemens with this jury to get a fair trial with this jury would be very difficult if not impossible.” Prosecutors suggested the problem could have been fixed with an instruction to the jury to disregard the evidence, but Walton seemed skeptical. He said he could never know what impact the evidence would have during the jury’s deliberations “when we’ve got a man’s liberty at interest.” “I don’t see how we un-ring the bell,” he said. Defense attorney Rusty Hardin patted an unsmiling Clemens on the back as the judge announced his decision. Clemens did not speak to reporters. Clemens and his lawyers remain under a court gag order and they declined to comment as they left. “I’m not going to say anything,” he said.

See the article here:
Mistrial Declared in Roger Clemens Perjury Trial

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt: NOT Getting Married Anytime Soon!

Us Weekly tried to make the case with a splashy new cover story, but reports of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie getting married this summer are false. Sources close to the couple say they won’t be walking down the aisle any time soon and ” there is no evidence nor any single truth” to Us ‘ story. The two, who adamantly state that gay marriage should be legalized everywhere, say they remain open to one day tying the knot. But not now. Recent remarks by the two helped fuel the never-ending rumors. Pitt told USA Today that the brood is curious: “The kids ask about it … It’s meaning more and more to them. It’s something we’ve got to look at.” “I think it would be hard to say no to the kids,” Angelina added. Construction at Chateau Miraval, their home in the south of France, was rumored to be part of their secret wedding preparations. Not the case. Professionally, Pitt is filming World War Z (Jolie and the kids stayed with him in Malta) and will be busy promoting Moneyball and Cogan’s Trade . Angelina, meanwhile, is gearing up for her directorial debut, In the Land of Blood and Honey , set in war-torn regions of the former Yugoslavia.

Original post:
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt: NOT Getting Married Anytime Soon!

Taylor Armstrong and Husband: It’s Mostly Over!

The marriage between Taylor Armstrong and Russell Armstrong appears to be over. And the couple has never sounded more supportive of each other! “We still love each other, but after going through counseling it has gotten to the point that the stress is just too much for both of us,” Russell tells OK! Weekly. “I want Taylor to be the biggest actress on TV, and I want to feel happy not being on TV.” Russell has already moved out, but no divorce papers have been signed yet. Expect some kind of drama to take place soon, though. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills producers wouldn’t have it any other way. [Photo: WENN.com]

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Taylor Armstrong and Husband: It’s Mostly Over!