Tag Archives: the-ceremonial

Some Legendary Preciousness: Chrissy Teigen And John Legend Take Little Luna To The Mariners Ballgame

(Stephen Brashear/Getty Images) Luna Stephens Loves To Ball Out How cute is John Legend and Chrissy Teigen’s daughter Luna , throwing out the ceremonial first pitch at last night’s game between the Seattle Mariners and Minnesota Twins? https://instagram.com/p/BVBleykD8md/?taken-by=chrissyteigen The family hit up the ballpark during some downtime while in Seattle on Daddy’s “Darkness and Light tour.” https://instagram.com/p/BVBlhUlD0oy/?taken-by=johnlegend Super cute stuff right? Hit the flip for more photos. https://instagram.com/p/BVBlniPDv6v/?taken-by=chrissyteigen https://instagram.com/p/BVBYjuCDnmS/?taken-by=johnlegend https://instagram.com/p/BVBowY6jj62/?taken-by=chrissyteigen https://instagram.com/p/BVBo3uSDJf9/?taken-by=chrissyteigen

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Some Legendary Preciousness: Chrissy Teigen And John Legend Take Little Luna To The Mariners Ballgame

Blind Iraq War Veteran Throws Perfect First Pitch And What Are We Doing With Our Lives?


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Here’s a video of Jeremy Feldbusch, an Iraq war veteran who lost his sight overseas, throwing out the ceremonial first pitch at yesterday’s Pirates/Phillies game in Pittsburgh. The video is already triumphant and touching from the initial round of applause, but then the guy goes ahead and frickin’ GUNS the ball to home plate, and it’s just really unexpectedly transcendent. Related Note: Do you ever… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : VH1’s Today In Music Discovery Date : 06/04/2012 06:29 Number of articles : 2

Blind Iraq War Veteran Throws Perfect First Pitch And What Are We Doing With Our Lives?

The Situation — Daintiest Pitching Motion Ever

Filed under: TV , TMZ Sports , Jersey Shore Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino got to lob out the ceremonial first pitch at a NY Mets spring training game in Florida yesterday — but just like his wrist … the ball fell a bit limp. We’re told the “Jersey Shore” star “bounced” the pitch — but at … Permalink

The Situation — Daintiest Pitching Motion Ever