Kim Kardashian is positively owning Instagram this week. Earlier today, a Kim Kardashian nip slip earned the reality star plenty of attention on the social network, and not because of the blonde wig she sports in the photo. Shortly thereafter, an eagle-eyed follower noticed something odd about the photo below: Good God what happened to her arm?! Yes, either Kim’s an amputee now and no one noticed because we were all too busy staring at her exposed boob, or that is one epic Photoshop fail . This whole Kim missing her right arm thing adds a whole new layer to the earlier Nipplegate controversy: We now know that Kim not only carefully studies every photo that she posts to Instagram, she also has them professionally Photoshopped. (You don’t really think Kim learned the program herself, do you?) So how does that relate to the earlier exposed areola selfie? Glad you asked, hypothetical boob enthusiast. Now that we know the level of attention to detail that goes into Kim’s Instagram posts, it seems almost impossible that she wasn’t aware of the nipple in the pic that she tried to pass off as an innocent ” blonde wig photo .” You almost outsmarted us, Kim Kardashian. Add that to the list of sentences you never thought you’d read. Kim Kardashian Instagram Photos 1. Kim Kardashian Cleavage Picture This is a photo of Kim Kardashian’s cleavage. Not that we needed to tell you that, of course. We’re sure you already knew.
See the article here:
Kim Kardashian Photoshop Fail: What Happened to Her Arm?!