Tag Archives: the-gauntlet

Penn State Frat Charged With Involuntary Manslaughter After Deadly Hazing Process

Family of Penn State victim wants justice https://t.co/Kdgb9z2z7x pic.twitter.com/3RUIeMsS2m — CNN (@CNN) May 6, 2017 Student Left For Dead At Fraternity Induction Ceremony Eight members of Penn State’s Beta Theta Pi fraternity were charged with involuntary manslaughter after hazing went too far. During the “bid acceptance night”, which is the official induction to join the fraternity, 19-year-old Timothy Piazza suffered from multiple head injuries due to an over-consumption of alcohol. As part of the initiation, fraternity members must undergo “the gauntlet”. According to police reports, “the gauntlet” is a series of stations where members must consume four to five cups of alcohol in under two minutes. The object is to get really drunk, really fast. After participating in “the gauntlet”, Piazza fell down steps leading to the basement. He acquired bruises to his abdomen and was carried back upstairs. Frat house surveillance shows Piazza stumbling and hitting this head a few more times throughout the night before falling down the steps again. Other fraternity members delayed calling the ambulance, ignored another member who suggested Piazza was unconscious and tried to cover up the scene by throwing out any “evidence” of alcohol. Needless to say, the fraternity is banned indefinitely. Hopefully Piazza’s parents find some peace knowing justice was served for their son.

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Penn State Frat Charged With Involuntary Manslaughter After Deadly Hazing Process

VIDEO: Dissect the Kardashians in the Latest Episode of Verbal Vogueing with Movieline’s Louis Virtel

We’ve all wondered it before in moments of clarity and repose: ‘Why the hell do I know what a Kardashian is?’ In the latest installment of Verbal Vogueing , Movieline staff editor Louis Virtel dares to ponder the inexplicably famous, many-headed pop culture monstrosity that is the Kardashian brood, led by the one known as Kim. Join him and jam — turn it up! — with Episode 4, and chime in with any #RejectedOlympicEvents you’ve got. Just be warned: with “Kerrigan Wailing” and “STD Relay,” the gauntlet’s been thrown .

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VIDEO: Dissect the Kardashians in the Latest Episode of Verbal Vogueing with Movieline’s Louis Virtel

How to make a spike-knuckled butyl rubber glove wired to discharge a disposable camera flash cap across the spikes


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[Video Link] Sean Michael Ragan says: Responding to criticisms that their new no-trolling-allowed policy lacks teeth, Hack a Day writer Jack Buffington threw down the gauntlet Monday, announcing that, henceforth, anyone leaving a nasty comment about one of Jeri Ellsworth’s … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Offworld Discovery Date : 25/08/2011 18:00 Number of articles : 2

How to make a spike-knuckled butyl rubber glove wired to discharge a disposable camera flash cap across the spikes

CEO Vivian Schiller Finds “No Particular Bias” at NPR (Video)


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NPR CEO Vivian Schiller spoke at the National Press Club today. The far left journalist claimed that NPR did not have any particular bias. Oh, please. Via Townhall: NPR’s President and CEO, Vivian Schiller throws down the gauntlet during Monday’s … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 08/03/2011 00:09 Number of articles : 3

CEO Vivian Schiller Finds “No Particular Bias” at NPR (Video)

CEO Vivian Schiller Finds “No Particular Bias” at NPR (Video)



NPR CEO Vivian Schiller spoke at the National Press Club today. The far left journalist claimed that NPR did not have any particular bias. Oh, please. Via Townhall: NPR’s President and CEO, Vivian Schiller throws down the gauntlet during Monday’s … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 08/03/2011 00:09 Number of articles : 3

CEO Vivian Schiller Finds “No Particular Bias” at NPR (Video)

The NBA Challenge — Harvey Comes Up Real Short

Filed under: TMZ Sports Former NBAer Allan Houston threw down the gauntlet — betting that Harvey couldn’t make ONE single 3-pointer. Boy was he … completely right.

The NBA Challenge — Harvey Comes Up Real Short

Filed under: TMZ Sports Former NBAer Allan Houston threw down the gauntlet — betting that Harvey couldn’t make ONE single 3-pointer. Boy was he … completely right.

MJ Estate Challenges Michael’s Mom

Filed under: Katherine Jackson , Howard Mann , Michael Jackson , Celebrity Justice The Michael Jackson estate has laid down the gauntlet by demanding that Katherine Jackson ‘s business partner immediately stop exploiting MJ’s image — or else!!!