Tag Archives: the-royalties

Lily Collins in a Sports Bra of the Day

I like Lily Collins…all I have to say about her can be expressed in this song… That when her dad dies, she will be getting all the royalties on…..along with her share of whatever is left from what the song has already earned her dad….who was never around enough for her…because she’s a whiner and whiners like having “issues” they can blame their shortcomings on…. An inheritance I wish was spent on my children with Lily Collins…because she’s hot and I’d like to cum in her….for K-Fed inspired reasons…and for love…and because I love cumming in bitches…it makes it feel real… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Lily Collins in a Sports Bra of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lily Collins in a Sports Bra of the Day

Megan Fox Shitty First Pitch in Korea of the Day

When it comes to overrated babes from the 2000s, who are pretty talentless, but embraced by the industry and shoved down our throats as the it girls, or the hot girls, or whatever the fuck they are….I am far more into Jessica Alba… Maybe it’s because she just raised 70 million dollars for her IPO of her HONEST company, and a figurehead of billion dollar companies gives me boners…I mean if you’re going to deal with a loose pussy with two annoying kids, even in your fantasies, it might as well be worth over 100,000,000 dollars…instead of being worth the royalties the baby daddy still gets from 90210…a role that defined him…and trapped this Megan Fox… In conclusion, I’ll still watch her throw a pitch at a baseball game, I got nothing else to do. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Megan Fox Shitty First Pitch in Korea of the Day

True Blood Comic-Con Preview: Death Ain’t the End

Sookie cozying up to Ben? The Governor’s evil plan coming to fruition? Bill lying dead at vamp camp?!? During the show’s panel discussion at Comic-Con yesterday, the good folks behind True Blood Season 6 debuted a trailer that teased plenty of trouble ahead on this HBO drama. Watch it here: True Blood Teaser “You’re going to feel that the show is returning to its roots,” producer Brian Buckner told fans at the event in San Diego. “We’re going to try to condense the number of stories we’re telling and really make this feel like we’re coming home.” And by condense , does he mean kill off characters ? Stay tuned. Find out!

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True Blood Comic-Con Preview: Death Ain’t the End

True Blood Comic-Con Preview: Death Ain’t the End

Sookie cozying up to Ben? The Governor’s evil plan coming to fruition? Bill lying dead at vamp camp?!? During the show’s panel discussion at Comic-Con yesterday, the good folks behind True Blood Season 6 debuted a trailer that teased plenty of trouble ahead on this HBO drama. Watch it here: True Blood Teaser “You’re going to feel that the show is returning to its roots,” producer Brian Buckner told fans at the event in San Diego. “We’re going to try to condense the number of stories we’re telling and really make this feel like we’re coming home.” And by condense , does he mean kill off characters ? Stay tuned. Find out!

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True Blood Comic-Con Preview: Death Ain’t the End

Farrah Abraham Sex Tape Royalties: Six Figures and Counting

Backdoor Teen Mom Farrah Abraham is raking in the royalties from her sex tape – which she already scored a huge payday just to star in up front. That’s right … the “private” tape that went public includes a contract with Vivid in which she receives percentage of profits she receives from sales. In addition to her upfront check, she’s made $119,576.39. In just royalties. The former Teen Mom star may be a pathological liar with questionable morals (and hilariously fake boobs), but she’s laughing all the way to the bank now. Whatever you think of her methods, Farrah Abraham has struck it rich. Much like when watching her on film, you may vomit on cue.

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Farrah Abraham Sex Tape Royalties: Six Figures and Counting

Farrah Abraham Sex Tape Royalties: Six Figures and Counting

Backdoor Teen Mom Farrah Abraham is raking in the royalties from her sex tape – which she already scored a huge payday just to star in up front. That’s right … the “private” tape that went public includes a contract with Vivid in which she receives percentage of profits she receives from sales. In addition to her upfront check, she’s made $119,576.39. In just royalties. The former Teen Mom star may be a pathological liar with questionable morals (and hilariously fake boobs), but she’s laughing all the way to the bank now. Whatever you think of her methods, Farrah Abraham has struck it rich. Much like when watching her on film, you may vomit on cue.

See the article here:
Farrah Abraham Sex Tape Royalties: Six Figures and Counting

Jordan Carver’s Busty Red Dress

I don’t know if any of you have noticed, but this Jordan Carver hottie has all of a sudden started to become more popular. I don’t know what it is I like about her, but I’d sure like to put my finger on it. Just so everyone knows, I was posting pictures of her way before anybody knew who the hell she was. I did this. I should get a part of the royalties, however small they may be, or at least a free motorboating. It’s only fair.