Tag Archives: the-surgically

Video: Deaf Baby Hearing for the First Time Intended to Make You Cry, Ovulate

So there's this video going around the internet of a little boy after receiving a cochlear implant — the surgically implanted device designed to help the hearing-impaired or fully-deaf actually hear — and hearing for the first time. Woman, man, whatever — if your biological clock is ticking at any volume, you will not want to watch this, because you will cry, and then find the closest child/baby/animal/unusually small person, and adopt it. http://blogs.villagevoice.com/runninscared/archives/2010/05/video_boy_heari.php added by: unimatrix0

Heidi Montag Speaks on Circus Freak Status

In the wake of her recent plastic surgery binge, Heidi Montag says her mom looked at her like a circus freak.

Go here to see the original:
Heidi Montag Speaks on Circus Freak Status