Tag Archives: from-the-office

#SweaterGodIfTheyHarmBarry: Barack Obama’s D.C. Office Evacuated After Powdery Substance Found

Image via Getty Suspicious Powder Found Outside Obama’s D.C. Office They really need to stop playing with our emotions. According to a report on Fox5DC Barack Obama’s Washington, D.C. office is surrounded by police, fire department and EMS after a powdery substance was found in a letter that was sent from Hong Kong. Investigators blocked off the street as a precautionary measure, but tests show that the powder was only baby powder. The Obamas live not too far from the office, but there is no word on whether the 44th POTUS was in the office at the time the powder was discovered. Somebody tried. Continue reading

Get Well: Hillary Clinton Has A Coughing Fit And Loses Her Voice During Speech! [Video]

Hillary Clinton at a Labor Day campaign rally in Cleveland, Ohio. September 5, 2016. Continue reading

Dank Daycare: 600 Marijuana Plants Found In Back Of Daycare [Video]

Yahoo : WEST HAVEN, CT (WFSB) – Police are investigating after about 600 marijuana plants were located daycare in West Haven on Friday. The plants, which were 6 to 10 feet tall, were located in the backyard of 159 Norfolk St. Police said state inspectors discovered the marijuana plants growing while conducting a compliance inspection. Eyewitness News was told state inspectors from the Office of Early Childhood went to the daycare last week, and were denied access to inspect the entire property. Because of that, the state suspended the license of daycare owner Rosalee Miller. Inspectors then called West Haven police, who made the discovery of more than $1 million worth of marijuana plants. “We did see Continue reading

‘The Nightly Show’ Hires Cam’Ron As HR Manager, Hilarity Ensues

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.@ArtfulStew thinks a co-worker is stealing from the office. HR manager @mr_camron offers some professional advice. https://t.co/banGJJbK9Q — The Nightly Show (@nightlyshow) August 18, 2015…

‘The Nightly Show’ Hires Cam’Ron As HR Manager, Hilarity Ensues

GURLS who RUL! – peasant-geekery fanboydom,…at least.

-The Hottest of Comic Con 2009! – Cinematical – a ginormous gal-lery of fantastical flamboyant frivolous feminine fun and frolic ! Excelsior! 'Nuff-said! FOOM ! http://www.cinematical.com/2009/07/25/sdcc-the-hottest-of-comic-con-2009/ added by: remanns

Video: Deaf Baby Hearing for the First Time Intended to Make You Cry, Ovulate

So there's this video going around the internet of a little boy after receiving a cochlear implant — the surgically implanted device designed to help the hearing-impaired or fully-deaf actually hear — and hearing for the first time. Woman, man, whatever — if your biological clock is ticking at any volume, you will not want to watch this, because you will cry, and then find the closest child/baby/animal/unusually small person, and adopt it. http://blogs.villagevoice.com/runninscared/archives/2010/05/video_boy_heari.php added by: unimatrix0

Porn Actor Accused of Murder Dies After Cliff-Top Standoff in L.A.

LOS ANGELES, USA — A porn actor wanted for allegedly murdering a co-worker with a samurai-style sword died after jumping from a cliff edge following a standoff with Los Angeles police, police said. Stephen Hill plunged around 50 feet off a sheer rock face after being stunned with a Taser by Los Angeles Police Department officers who had been negotiating with him for several hours. Television footage of the incident showed Hill scrambling off the edge of the cliff feet first as police moved in after stunning him. “He jumped down off the cliff after he was Tased,” LAPD spokesman Bruce Borihanh said. Whether Hill died from being Tasered, the fall or possibly landing on the sword he was armed with was under investigation, Borihanh said. Hill was wanted for one count of murder and five counts of attempted murder after attacking colleagues at a pornographic film distribution company warehouse in Los Angeles on Tuesday. Saturday's dramatic denouement began when police received a tip-off that Hill had been spotted at a property in the San Fernando Valley. Hill was discovered at the property and was subsequentely cornered by officers at the edge of a steep cliff near the house, where he had threatened to kill himself, police said. Local media initially reported that Hill was in police custody and being treated by paramedics. Television footage had earlier showed the actor holding a samurai sword and shouting at police to keep their distance. Hill, who has appeared in several porn films under the stage name “Steve Driver,” is alleged to have murdered fellow actor Herbert Wong at the warehouse-style offices of Ultima DVD on Tuesday. Wong, who had appeared in two films with Hill under the name “Tom Dong,” died as he tried to help other staff to escape, the company's owner said. Hill's rampage appeared to have been triggered by the discovery that he was about to be fired and evicted from the office where he had been living, according to local media reports. from (APF) added by: CarlosBobthe3rd

D.O.J. Report Advises Pursuing C.I.A. Abuse Cases

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department’s ethics office has recommended reversing the Bush administration and reopening nearly a dozen prisoner-abuse cases, potentially exposing Central Intelligence Agency employees and contractors to prosecution for brutal treatment of terrorism suspects, according to a person officially briefed on the matter.

D.O.J. Report Advises Pursuing C.I.A. Abuse Cases