On many ballots some candidates are NOT listed for one reason or another. Find out what candidates are running, and some general information on their beliefs and platform by doing a couple minutes of research. Trust us, it’s WORTH IT! See a sample ballot for your area by clicking ay of the links below: Click […]
LeAnn Rimes posted this bikini picture. I don’t know how recent it is, maybe it’s a Throwback Thursday, I would imagine her fans would be able to place it, but the truth is that they are good old fashioned bible thumping country folk, the kind of people protesting the sex shops in their community for the devil’s work – pornography, but still eager to buy the Latest LeAnn Rimes CD because they don’t have computers yet…and forgive her for all her fake titty, homewrecking, dating a homosexual sins…because it’s part of their beliefs to forgive their own – and hate everything that is not their own – like athiests, gays and jews…oh good old uneducated southern hick logic…never makes sense – but it did make LeAnn Rimes.
Well, it took them a year, but the perpetually offended crowd of ardent public sector union supporters, wayward students and other socialists finally discovered that the MacIver Institute offices are right across from the Wisconsin State Capitol. As soon as we heard a trombone playing outside our window we knew something was up. Drums are a Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Big Government Discovery Date : 29/02/2012 22:29 Number of articles : 2
In what could be a stunning turn of events, during an interview with the Ohio News Network this afternoon Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said he would not support the Blunt Amendment, which allows insurers and employers the right to deny health coverage for any service that violates their beliefs or they find morally objectionable; like contraception. “Blunt-Rubio is being debated I… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 29/02/2012 23:25 Number of articles : 2