Of all the troubled young mothers that have been featured on Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 over the years, perhaps none has experienced worse luck than Leah Messer. In her six seasons on the show, we've seen Leah struggle with addiction , go through two divorces, and endure an ugly custody battle with Corey Simms . But while other Teen Mom stars have endured substance abuse issues and bad breakups, most of their problems are self-created. Leah's decision-making abilities aren't always the greatest, but her biggest cross to bear is not the result of any of her mistakes. If you watch Teen Mom 2 online , you're likely aware that one of Leah's twin daughters, Aliannah, is battling muscular dystrophy. In the clip below, Leah and Corey take Aliannah to her doctor, due to the fact that she's been falling down more often than usual. Unfortunately, they receive devastating news about her health. “Her strength is still quite decent,” the doctor informs them. “But once she’s getting to age seven, then gradually, the maturity affects her. Then she may very slowly get weaker.” He goes on to say that say that in the very near future she'll likely lose her ability to walk and become completely reliant on her power wheelchair. Watch the heartbreaking video below.
Read this article:
Leah Messer Receives Devastating Medical News About Daughter