Tag Archives: three-things

Wonder No More at the Wonder Woman TV Series


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Finally, a clip of the doomed Wonder Woman TV series longer than a half-second has crawled onto the interwebs for me to share with you. It’s the very beginning of the big fight scene at the end, where Wonder Woman illegally breaks into evil Veronica Cale’s evil drug factory, which is guarded by the group of ridiculously steroid-ridden thugs you see above. Now, three things: 1) The effects weren’t… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Topless Robot Discovery Date : 23/06/2011 22:25 Number of articles : 3

Wonder No More at the Wonder Woman TV Series

Wonder No More at the Wonder Woman TV Series


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Finally, a clip of the doomed Wonder Woman TV series longer than a half-second has crawled onto the interwebs for me to share with you. It’s the very beginning of the big fight scene at the end, where Wonder Woman illegally breaks into evil Veronica Cale’s evil drug factory, which is guarded by the group of ridiculously steroid-ridden thugs you see above. Now, three things: 1) The effects weren’t… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Topless Robot Discovery Date : 23/06/2011 22:25 Number of articles : 3

Wonder No More at the Wonder Woman TV Series

Black Swan Ballerina Says Natalie Portman Basically Didn’t Dance

I was almost positive we’d never have to talk about awful-ass Black Swan again, but here comes a kick-ass, scorned ballerina with a tale to tell: Sarah Lane, a 27-year-old American Ballet Theater soloist who worked as a body double on Black Swan , tells EW that there’s a “cover-up” to prevent people from knowing she performed 95% of the cygnet moves in the movie. Now, I can’t guarantee that Sarah isn’t wearing black wings and circling her house right now like a crazed Sean Young type, but her quotes sound legitimate.

See the article here:
Black Swan Ballerina Says Natalie Portman Basically Didn’t Dance

Three Things That Will Change Radically With Climate: Drug & Alcohol Use, & FEMA’s Budget

Image credit: FloodDamage.Data.org I probably could have listed other things that will increase commensurate with climate change: like doomsday cults, prohibitionist movements and radical political groups, for example. But I wanted to focus on investment and budget control opportunities people are overlooking. Let’s start by analyzing the latter. In their 2002 paper, The Political Economy of FEMA Disaster Payments, (pdf file) Garrett & Sobel examined whether congressional and presidential influences affect … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Three Things That Will Change Radically With Climate: Drug & Alcohol Use, & FEMA’s Budget

Don Cheadle’s poker playing has benefits

Cheadle, poker champ Annie Duke and their friend Norman Epstein founded Ante Up For Africa in 2006, hoping to raise money and awareness of issues in Sudan and bringing peace to the region.

Continued here:
Don Cheadle’s poker playing has benefits

Apple Tablet Will Restore Comic Books To Former Glory

“What is it in France they say? ‘America contributed three things to culture: jazz, musical comedy and comic books.'” You can already buy two on iTunes. And if things pan out, you’ll be get the third on the Apple tablet.

Read the original post:
Apple Tablet Will Restore Comic Books To Former Glory

Taylor Swift Wants Your Joystick

That’s right, couch potatoes. Hyper-talented hottie Taylor Swift is ready to perform in your living room.

Read more from the original source:
Taylor Swift Wants Your Joystick

Top 9 Best Things to Come From Megan Fox’s Mouth

Megan Fox is incredibly predictable.

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Top 9 Best Things to Come From Megan Fox’s Mouth