Tag Archives: top-box-office

Can You Help Falling In Love with the Sweet First Trailer for Sundance Winner Like Crazy?

As a wise man (Okay, Elvis) once said, only fools rush in. But then we’ve all been foolish once or twice, haven’t we? So prepare your heartstrings for the familiar aching that will ensue as you watch the dreamy first trailer for Like Crazy , Drake Doremus’s Sundance Grand Jury Prize-winner about two college kids ( Anton Yelchin and Felicity Jones) who fall for each other right before graduation and then discover that love, and life, gets a lot more complex when your soul mate is half a world away.

Continued here:
Can You Help Falling In Love with the Sweet First Trailer for Sundance Winner Like Crazy?

Don’t Worry, the Best Part of Total Recall Will Show Up in Len Wiseman’s Remake

Director Len Wiseman may not be taking Colin Farrell ‘s Doug Quaid to Mars in his “realistic,” more Philip K. Dicksian Total Recall remake, and his version may be “a hard PG-13” instead of the original film’s R-rating. But rest assured, he’s staying true to the best part of Paul Verhoeven’s Arnie -starring 1990 classic: The three-breasted woman. “You can’t make a Total Recall without certain things,” Wiseman told Collider at Comic-Con . Indeed. [ Collider ]

See the original post here:
Don’t Worry, the Best Part of Total Recall Will Show Up in Len Wiseman’s Remake

It’s Official: Cowboy & Aliens Narrowly Edges Smurfs as Box-Office No. 1

A vexed, infuriated populace stood by helplessly this weekend as one of the ugliest economic stand-offs in American history threatened to destabilize our nation and the global market at large. Finally, however, an accord has been reached, and we can rebuild our shattered system with the knowledge that Cowboys & Aliens indeed knocked off The Smurfs for the top box-office spot.

See the article here:
It’s Official: Cowboy & Aliens Narrowly Edges Smurfs as Box-Office No. 1