Tag Archives: topless-bikini

Cannd Tuna

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Cannd Tuna

Arianny Celeste Is Naughty School Girl

isn’t it kind of perverted to like pictures of some hot chick in a schoolgirl outfit? It just doesn’t feel right, I like it. Here’s hottie Arianny Celeste hamming it up for the cameras in what have to be some Twitter pictures. Everyone’s jumped on the post pictures of yourself on the internet bandwagon. I guess if I had breasts like hers I’d post pictures of them too… In the tub, on a bicycle, jumping up and down on a trampoline. You name it. *Vote for Arianny Celeste in the 2011 Hollywood Tuna Hottie of the Year Poll

Rita Rusic Is In A Bikini Again

I hope that hot cougar Rita Rusic is mulling over my offer to become my sugar-momma, she fits the profile perfectly by possessing several qualities I look for in a woman. Cash and a nice bikini body. Here she is lounging on the beach again while the warm sun gently caresses those sweet big bikini breasts of hers. Lucky sun. I don’t know how old most of her body is, but her breasts must still be fairly young. I like it.

Rita Rusic Cougartastic Bikini Pictures

I still don’t know who the hell this old cougar is…. But my penis doesn’t really give a crap.

Rita Rusic Unknown Bikini Pictures

Does anyone know who this Rita Rusic woman is? Because I haven’t got a clue. Luckily I’m not that interested, all I care about is the fact that she’s prancing around on the beach in a little bikini. She looks like she’s pretty old, very cougar like, but those breasts have certainly aged well. Impressive. I’m in the market for a sugar-momma if she’s interested.

Heidi Klum Really Loves Halloween

Heidi Klum seems to be obsessed with Halloween, every year her costumes get more and more elaborate, so I was looking forward to seeing what she had in store for us as she hosted her annual Halloween party. I don’t like it. Well, that’s not entirely true, it’s pretty damn cool, creepy, but cool. But she’s a supermodel, I don’t want to see her insides, I want to see her dressed up as a slutty Little Bo Peep with her breasts hanging out herding a group of Japanese chicks in sheep costumes. Something hot. This just scares me a little. more pictures of Heidi Klum here

Abigail Clancy Is Too Damn Hot

I’m going to have to assume that these shots of British beauty Abigail Clancy are from the Pride of Britain Awards that were held the other day, she definitely makes Britain proud. I’m only assuming that because why else would a bunch of hotties like Abigail and Cheryl Tweedy be invited to the same party unless it was one of those amazing prime minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi Bunga Bunga parties I’ve heard so much about. I really need to get invited to one of those things. Mi chiamano.

Abigail Clancy’s Awesome See Through Dress

Do you know who was also invited to the GQ Men Of The Year Awards in London last night instead of this guy? Abigail Clancy . That’s right, the closest thing she’s done to deserve one of these awards is give millions of men across the globe boners while looking at her amazing body in little bikinis. I give men boners too dammit!!! That came out wrong. Alright, I don’t mind that she was invited, she’s hot. Here she is wearing an awesome see through dress that shows off her sexy lingerie. Why bother with the dress? I love it.

Idiotic Planking Video of the Day

Planking is taking over….I knew it was a trend a few months ago…but I didn’t think it was actually going to go mainstream…I mean I see the shit in facebook albums…in wedding photos….I see the shit when I decide to leave my house cuz the world’s not all that scary and I even found myself explaining to a group of people what planking was last night…cuz they had never heard of it..they didn’t quite get the point of it…I tried to tell them if the right girl girls in the planking position in a skirt she’s easier to rape…but that still wasn’t a selling point…we cam across this video and I think it sums up planking pretty nice…cuz it’s just fucking stupid…unless you fall off a bridge doing it…

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Idiotic Planking Video of the Day

Emma Stone Sucking Spoons Like a Slut of the Day

Emma Stone is the new Lohan. Which isn’t saying all that much because Lohan is a pile of shit of a person…with everything wrong with her, all tormented and haggard both personally and professionally…except for her awesome tear drop shaped fake tits….which are fantastic….but it ist to say her legs are awesome and thin and I like watching her suck on a spoon like a dirty little whore…. I’m a fan of this 22 year old box and all the work she’s been getting…but I just hope her rise to the top involves a lot of nude scenes, sex tapes, pussy flashes, a lot of bikini pics, and some tities….cuz it won’t be fair to us if her PR people play her up to be all wholesome and shit…cuz wholesome and shit is boring…even when it is in staged paparazzi bikini pics..or spoon sucking pics….Hollywood needs a whore…fingers crossed she’s the one…

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Emma Stone Sucking Spoons Like a Slut of the Day