Tag Archives: topless-bitches

Danielle Sharp’s Awesome Topless Photoshoot of the Day

Danielle Sharp has ridiculous tits. She’s a glamour model, as all the bust shot topless bitches from the UK are, but I would rather she was my girlfriend, who I could wake up to every morning, her tit in my hand, my dick in her ass, you know true love…cuz girls who market themselves this way, are the kind of woman you want as a mother to your children, since they get what is important. I don’t know when this is from, when it was taken, what it is for….but it doesn’t matter…it is fantastic…and I am too busy writing her love letters to waste my time worrying about this….I am on a mission to save her….or at least ejaculate inside her….and that’s where my energy is being focused.

More here:
Danielle Sharp’s Awesome Topless Photoshoot of the Day

Elisha Cuthbert is Not Erotic of the Day

I wrote a post on Elisha Cuthbert in some photshoot where she looked nice and photoshopped …for the first time in a bunch of years because she has a network behind her… But I’ve seen this cunt in person and knew that it was all smoke and mirrors for the sake of getting people to watch her show… So I was happy when these pics of her dropped, looking like shit, all short legged and useless, to remind us of what this cunt actually is….a dumpy piece of shit… Now I’m just waiting for her to get killed off her show, and for her to run out of money and move back home, cuz drunkenstepdaddy has a bed for her future crackwhore ass to sleep on.

See the original post here:
Elisha Cuthbert is Not Erotic of the Day

Paz Vega’s Ass in a Thong Bikini of the Day

Those Europeans….are amazing. Less guns, More Pussy. That’s their slogan when you get off the plane…. Not that I know anyting about PAZ VEGA or Europe cuz I’m too broke to be a traveler…but I did go to Cuba once and all the topless bitches in thongs were all free-spirited Europeans but unfortunately, my budget allows for the quality woman you’d rather not see in a thong bikini, and I think the only reason the topless thonged bitches were Euro was cuz America, the Land of the Free aren’t allowed in Cuba cuz that’s just one of the many trade-offs about being so free…you know not being allowed things…cuz thong bikini isn’t a geographic thing…it’s an every where thing…and today it is on Paz Vega…

Read this article:
Paz Vega’s Ass in a Thong Bikini of the Day

Amber Heard for FHM of the Day

I saw Zombieland the other day with a friend who paid for me because I am a whore like that. A few minutes into the movie I decided that I wanted to marry Amber Heard or at least her vagina with my penis, but that may not be because she is all that hot and more because the only way I can sit thru any movie is if I can find a female character I can fantasize about doing dirty things to for pretty much the entire movie, otherwise I get really fucking bored and angry, and between her and Little Miss Sunshine, the compeition was pretty fuckin slim……but here she is in FHM and it turns out that I still want to fuck her….she is going to be the next it girl…

Read the original post:
Amber Heard for FHM of the Day

Heather Chadwell Topless for Californication of the Day

Californication is probably the best show on TV.


Continued here:
Heather Chadwell Topless for Californication of the Day