Tag Archives: every-morning

Danielle Sharp’s Awesome Topless Photoshoot of the Day

Danielle Sharp has ridiculous tits. She’s a glamour model, as all the bust shot topless bitches from the UK are, but I would rather she was my girlfriend, who I could wake up to every morning, her tit in my hand, my dick in her ass, you know true love…cuz girls who market themselves this way, are the kind of woman you want as a mother to your children, since they get what is important. I don’t know when this is from, when it was taken, what it is for….but it doesn’t matter…it is fantastic…and I am too busy writing her love letters to waste my time worrying about this….I am on a mission to save her….or at least ejaculate inside her….and that’s where my energy is being focused.

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Danielle Sharp’s Awesome Topless Photoshoot of the Day

Obama’s Old Pal Bill Ayers Wakes Up Every Morning Pondering How He Can End Capitalism


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Via Hot Air, President Obama’s old pal Bill Ayers was at another leftist occupy gathering and talked about what motivates him to wake up every morning – destroying capitalism. “I get up every morning thinking today I’m going to make a difference. Today I’m going to end capitalism. Today I’m going to make a revolution. I go to bed every night disappointed but…I’m back again tomorrow.” We all know what… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Lonely Conservative Discovery Date : 31/03/2012 02:18 Number of articles : 2

Obama’s Old Pal Bill Ayers Wakes Up Every Morning Pondering How He Can End Capitalism

Kelly Brook’s Sweet Bikini Coconuts

I guess it’s Kelly Brook’s turn to head out on vacation, some of us have to work you know, because here she is in a picture she posted on her Twitter page with the caption ‘Breakfast time…. Grab the Coconuts!!’ I couldn’t have said it better, I would like to grab those gorgeous coconuts every morning for the rest of my life… Or at least until she gets old and gross. I like the blond hair. Call me.

Paula Deen to Anthony Bourdain: Get a Life, Uncharitable Snob!

In what may have been a slight exaggeration, Anthony Bourdain referred to celebrity chef Paula Deen this was as the worst, most dangerous person in America . What does Deen have to say about the No Reservations host in response? “Anthony Bourdain needs to get a life,” she told The New York Post . “You don’t have to like my food, or Rachael’s, Sandra’s and Guy’s. But it’s another thing to attack our character. I wake up every morning happy for where I am in life. It’s not all about the cooking, but the fact that I can contribute by using my influence to help people all over the country. In the last two years, my partners and I have fed more than 10 million hungry people by bringing meat to food banks.” Deen added that Bourdain has contributed nothing to society, aside from “being irritable.” Fighting words, folks! Choose a side in this feud:

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Paula Deen to Anthony Bourdain: Get a Life, Uncharitable Snob!

Paula Deen to Anthony Bourdain: Get a Life, Uncharitable Snob!

In what may have been a slight exaggeration, Anthony Bourdain referred to celebrity chef Paula Deen this was as the worst, most dangerous person in America . What does Deen have to say about the No Reservations host in response? “Anthony Bourdain needs to get a life,” she told The New York Post . “You don’t have to like my food, or Rachael’s, Sandra’s and Guy’s. But it’s another thing to attack our character. I wake up every morning happy for where I am in life. It’s not all about the cooking, but the fact that I can contribute by using my influence to help people all over the country. In the last two years, my partners and I have fed more than 10 million hungry people by bringing meat to food banks.” Deen added that Bourdain has contributed nothing to society, aside from “being irritable.” Fighting words, folks! Choose a side in this feud:

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Paula Deen to Anthony Bourdain: Get a Life, Uncharitable Snob!

Kate Upton Blows Me A Sexy Kiss

Can you think of a better way to finish off the day than with a shot of busty supermodel Kate Upton blowing you a kiss while wearing a little bikini? I can’t. I’m going to tape this picture to my bathroom mirror so that I can see it every morning while I’m pump myself up with some daily affirmations. You’re good enough, you’re smart enough and maybe one day someone as hot as Kate Upton will let you stick it in her. I’m ready.

Kathy Lee Gifford Big Old Lady Tits of the Day

I had a reader who would email me obsessively looking for pictures of Kathy Lee Gifford. It had something to do with a masturbation ritual he had going to her tits back when she was on TV every morning that he couldn’t get past. He was constantly on the prowl for new pics of her, cuz he had exhausted every recorded clip he had of her and I thought the whole thing was weird…partially because I was never in such a serious morning jam that I’d fantasize about her red pubic haired cunt to get off, if anything I was usually asleep her whole career, except when she started dropping Christmas albums like she was John Tesh, that was her hottest period, but I have a Christmas fetish, I didn’t realize the kind of tits she was packing, and really looking at her old weathered body today is almost exhilerating cuz there is just so much fucking tit…. Not to mention she’s with her daughter, who looks like a typical rich kid WASP from the suburbs who drives a BMW and loves taking it up the ass cuz condoms are a drag but so are abortions…Oh my god…All American kind of slut and I’m down with this mother/daughter fantasy I’ve never lived out but have tried on fucking repeat…not that you care…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Kathy Lee Gifford Big Old Lady Tits of the Day

Jon Gosselin: You’re Full of Shirt

Filed under: Paparazzi Photo , Jon & Kate In lieu of showing up on every morning show to talk and talk and talk, Jon Gosselin found an easier way to respond to all the rumors out there — his t-shirt.If it means we see less of him on TV, we’re all for it.FYI — Kate’s on Larry King … Permalink

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Jon Gosselin: You’re Full of Shirt