Tag Archives: topless models

Camille Rowe in a Bathing Suit in Australia of the Day

CAMILLE ROWE was a NAKED MODEL who Victoria’s Secret has abducted as they do when these topless models start getting traction…and now she’s all in bikinis and shit…not nude…forcing us to look at her face and realize she looks a lot like a giant penis… You see girls, being topless always makes you have a prettier face. It’s a fact. Stop the plastic surgery. Just go topless. Here’s the proof. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Camille Rowe in a Bathing Suit in Australia of the Day

Katie Price Topless on the Beach of the DAy

So apparently OG Glamour model Jordan…who really wasn’t OG at all…Since these trashy topless models have been around forever and aren’t really going anywhere…she was just part of one of the most recent revivals of the “art” of getting stupid implants and letting people take pics of them….because they are so freakish and fun….go remarried….and she honeymooned the only way she should….showing off her stupid as fuck implants that have made her a multi millionaire numerous times over….tanning topless….even if having tits this fake…even when topless….is like wearing a shirt…or at least a novelty set of tits from the costume store….but I’ll still mark it NSFW…cuz they are weird and shouldnt be stared at directly… All this to say…I miss Peter Andre or whatever the last ex husband was…that gay was hilarious…. Remember people, topless or not, Jordan doesn’t matter. To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Katie Price Topless on the Beach of the DAy

Angela Lindvall Topless for Some Photoshoot of the Day

Angela Lindvall is a model who poses topless on the regular….she’s 33 years old….and has been in this model shit for a long fucking time….she started up at 14…another statutory rape kinda story…all underage and taken advantage of for sex offenders disguised as the fashion industry… She’s done Victoria’s Secret, SI, a bunch of campaigns…and unlike most of the other topless models out there she’s straight from the slums of Oklahoma…an actual American model…doing the shit these immigrant girls do for citizenship…and I find that nice to see…especially on Thanskgiving…Happy thanksgiving….happy topless modeling….

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Angela Lindvall Topless for Some Photoshoot of the Day

Angela Lindvall Topless for Some Photoshoot of the Day

Angela Lindvall is a model who poses topless on the regular….she’s 33 years old….and has been in this model shit for a long fucking time….she started up at 14…another statutory rape kinda story…all underage and taken advantage of for sex offenders disguised as the fashion industry… She’s done Victoria’s Secret, SI, a bunch of campaigns…and unlike most of the other topless models out there she’s straight from the slums of Oklahoma…an actual American model…doing the shit these immigrant girls do for citizenship…and I find that nice to see…especially on Thanskgiving…Happy thanksgiving….happy topless modeling….

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Angela Lindvall Topless for Some Photoshoot of the Day

Elsa Pataky Nipples in a Slutty Robe of the Day

Here’s Elsa Pataky, some bitch I’m not really familiar with because even bitches I am familiar with I forget. She’s wearing some classy stripper between sets outfit that I doubt any stripper actually wears, you know since strippers are tacky, trash who like being half naked, except when they leave work and squeeze into some ill fiting velour sweat suit like African drug dealers….so maybe this is more brothel wares….shit you’d expect a geisha to wear between sessions.. not that it matters…..who cares about the robe…just be happy her nipples are hard in it..cuz that’s the whole point of silk on braless tits…not that there is enough nipple in these pics….obviously…but it is the best I can do with the resources I have….possibly contributing to the demise of this site… THAT’S WHY I’M STARTING A CAREER IN SMUT

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Elsa Pataky Nipples in a Slutty Robe of the Day

Anja Rubik & Sasha Pivovarova Titties for Vogue Paris of the Day

If you read the site you will know that I love models. Not the tacky UK topless models you see in those shitty “Lad Mags”…I’m talking high profile fashion models who are in bot SI or Victoria’s Secret but also who are in the high fashion magazines….. Maybe it has to do with them being skinny, maybe it has to do with them being made up to be beautiful, maybe it is the whole glamourous life, or maybe it’s the whole party life that comes with being overpaid to sit around all day and let some pervert take pics of them….but I think it has to do with their willingness to get naked in photoshoots like little whores…cuz when it is for fashion and fashion is gay so it doesn’t feel pornographic…even though a lot of the time it is….but fashion has the best PR and know how to spin shit…and that’s why they get all the advertising dollars and hot women…. So here are some Anja Rubik and Sasha Pivovarova … two hot internation/immigrant girls we’ve all seen naked before, just getting naked again, this time for Vogue Paris or as I like to call it Vogue less uptight that US media….all to make millions and live that good life…and I love it…

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Anja Rubik & Sasha Pivovarova Titties for Vogue Paris of the Day

Some Bikini Fashion Show of the Day

I don’t know much about fashion and I don’t know much about bikinis. I just know that I don’t see nearly enough of them in my everyday life, because this city sucks and is not on a beach, and I suck and can’t afford to be on a beach, so I’m forced to turn to shitty quality runway pictures of sluts strutting their shit in bikinis, when really my face should be the fuckin runway, and their pussies be fuckin’ landin’ on it. I guess there’s no real information in this post.

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Some Bikini Fashion Show of the Day

Some Models Getting Topless in a Hotel Bar Video of the Day

I got this email: We captured some footage of some models taking their tops off at the celeb-infested Rose Bar in The Gramercy Park Hotel. It was written up in Page Six in the NY Post: We have an uncut, racy clip and wanted to see if you’d be interested in posting it on your site. The answer is yes.

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Some Models Getting Topless in a Hotel Bar Video of the Day