Tag Archives: tough-on-crime

Free At Last: President Obama To Grant Clemency To Dozens Of Convicted Nonviolent Drug Offenders

President Obama To Set Nonviolent Drug Offenders Free From Federal Prison Obama flexin’ on the feds… Via NYTimes Sometime in the next few weeks, aides expect President Obama to issue orders freeing dozens of federal prisoners locked up on nonviolent drug offenses. With the stroke of his pen, he will probably commute more sentences at one time than any president has in nearly half a century. The expansive use of his clemency power is part of a broader effort by Mr. Obama to correct what he sees as the excesses of the past, when politicians eager to be tough on crime threw away the key even for minor criminals. With many Republicans and Democrats now agreeing that the nation went too far, Mr. Obama holds the power to unlock that prison door, especially for young African-American and Hispanic men disproportionately affected. But even as he exercises authority more assertively than any of his modern predecessors, Mr. Obama has only begun to tackle the problem he has identified. In the next weeks, the total number of commutations for Mr. Obama’s presidency may surpass 80, but more than 30,000 federal inmates have come forward in response to his administration’s call for clemency applications. A cumbersome review process has advanced only a small fraction of them. And just a small fraction of those have reached the president’s desk for a signature. “I think they honestly want to address some of the people who have been oversentenced in the last 30 years,” said Julie Stewart, the founder and president of Families Against Mandatory Minimums, a group advocating changes in sentencing. “I’m not sure they envisioned that it would be as complicated as it is, but it has become more complicated, whether it needs to be or not, and that’s what has bogged down the process.” Overhauling the criminal justice system has become a bipartisan venture. Like Mr. Obama, Republicans running for his job are calling for systemic changes. Lawmakers from both parties are collaborating on legislation. And the United States Sentencing Commission has revised guidelines for drug offenders, so far retroactively reducing sentences for more than 9,500 inmates, nearly three-quarters of them black or Hispanic. POTUS is really lettin’ it all hang out in his last days in office. Gay marriage. Soul-reviving eulogies. Prison reform. Barack is BALLIN’ on these hoes! Image via AP

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Free At Last: President Obama To Grant Clemency To Dozens Of Convicted Nonviolent Drug Offenders

The United States imprisons it’s own

With nearly 25% of the world's inmate population, who says the United States doesn't have political prisoners? Excerpt: “Indeed, the United States leads the world in producing prisoners, a reflection of a relatively recent and now entirely distinctive American approach to crime and punishment. Americans are locked up for crimes — from writing bad checks to using drugs — that would rarely produce prison sentences in other countries. And in particular they are kept incarcerated far longer than prisoners in other nations.” How is this helpful to society? Why doesn't Americans and politicians take a good hard look at this issue? Coupled with an extremely dysfunctional judicial system populated largely by opportunistic prosecutors who believe they are empowered to wield the hand of God play the role of Judge, jury and executioner over people's lives, it's little wonder we incarcerate so many. In my own experiences with the judicial system I can tell you with NO uncertainty the legal system has no interest in “truth”, “right” or “wrong”. The judicial system executes sloppily prosecuted people, knowing full well the inadequacies of the process. Prosecutions and executions sought and pushed forward by prosecutors who decided for themselves who was guilty, ignorant of their own weaknesses, failings, projections and externalization. Our nation shoots itself in not just the foot, but the leg and the abdomen. Our judicial system's conduct is terminal and fatal to our society. Need we look at the actions of the Supreme Court allowing corporations the buying of judges, politicians and political favorable agendas and legislation AT the expense of the electorate? That you believe you haven't been touched by the dysfunction of the judicial system is no excuse for ignorance or worse yet, indifference to the violations and victimization's of the judicial system on the American people. Not convinced? Just think about it. Why does the US's 5% of the world's population house nearly 25% of the worlds prisoner population and at what expense to you financially in the form of taxes? At what expense to society to loose so many of it's primarily male population? What is a country more interested in prosecuting and jailing it's people than helping them? More interesting facts: “Children of incarcerated parents have increased risk of anxiety, depression, aggression, truancy, attention disorders and poor scholastic performance.” I met a homeless young man who had been incarcerated for 3 days not paying a bus fee of less than $5.00. And still more interesting facts: “Children of incarcerated parents have increased risk of anxiety, depression, aggression, truancy, attention disorders and poor scholastic performance.” Would you rather the state and Federal Government paid for the bus fare and not incarcerated the young man or waste some $250.00 a day for his incarceration plus court costs? Who makes decisions like this? Is it crazy or has the legal and judicial system itself become the monster? Again, is an unpaid bus fare of less than $5.00 worth blowing more than $600.00 of American tax payer money? Is this what “being tough on crime is”? That's a resounding: YES! Did the people who conduct our legal and judicial system in this way go to college? Are they idiots? Are they intentionally trying to destroy America or are they just really really stupid? Fact 1: Not everyone in prison is guilty. Fact 2: Not everyone accused is guilty. Personally, I can't believe a civilized society would conduct itself so self-destructive and so oblivious to the Obvious! http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/23/us/23prison.html added by: VoyagerFilms