Tag Archives: turbulent-week

Jenelle Evans: Check Out My Fake Boobs!

Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans has been through a lot lately, but hey, she can at least take solace in a nice new and improved pair of fake breasts. That appears to be what she’s conveying here, anyway. Unlike the Jenelle Evans nude before/after pics Kieffer Delp allegedly leaked, these aren’t rated NC-17, but are 100 percent Jenelle approved. Just look at that smile on her face. Yayyyyy boobs! It has been a turbulent week, even by Jenelle standards, but it doesn’t seem to be fazing her. She posted the pic writing, “Cute outfit today J.” If you don’t say so yourself. At the very least, that rack is a welcome distraction from J’s ongoing drama with Kieffer and/or Gary Head, or her mom Barbara saying she made a porno , or her sister Ashleigh calling her evil, or her random beef with Snooki , or her legal problems. It’s the little things. Or not so little in this case.

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Jenelle Evans: Check Out My Fake Boobs!

Movieline’s Week in Review: War is Hell

On this Memorial Day weekend, remember to take time to remember the American servicemen and women who paid the ultimate price so that you may live in a society that has the freedom to drop $80 million in five days on garbage like Sex and the City 2 . Then take another moment to remember the turbulent week behind us. All gave some, some gave all. Check back in here with Christopher Rosen in the days ahead, and have a wonderful holiday weekend!

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Movieline’s Week in Review: War is Hell