Tag Archives: turns-on-him

Pig Me: A Poor Little Pig’s Escape from the Slaughter House

“Pig Me” is a wonderful animated short film by five students from Denmark’s Animation Workshop. The very humorous film tells the story of a poor pig that manages to escape from the butcher’s claws, just to find himself in horrible surroundings. He finds his way to the village pet shop and sees the nice and warm atmosphere between the costumers and the animals getting bought. Fortunately, he decides to take refuge inside the little pet shop… Fortunately? This piece includes a number of colorful illustrations, as well as the wickedly funny animated short film. http://disembedded.wordpress.com/2010/08/22/pig-me-a-poor-little-pigs-escape-fro… added by: disembedded

YouTube – China’s Present/Future Military Technology

This video features many advanced/prototype military technologies. China is now thinking smart and is trying to develop smart weapons like UAVs with the help from its great ally Russia and other countries. If China's UAV is succesful and goes in production…casualties would be lowered…. This video shows : Advanced Guided Missiles Prototypes of UAV's China's Future Generation Fighter Jet, The Stealth J-XX fighter… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXRa5IGmVto&NR=1 added by: DogBoy

ACTA bill unconstitutional?

[What is ACTA?] The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (also known as ACTA) raises significant concerns for consumer privacy, civil liberties, innovation, the free flow of information on the Internet, commerce, and developing countries' ability to choose policy options that best suit them. Doesn't the Constitution say a warrant is needed to search my computer? It does! But because ACTA is a treaty, it circumvents the Constitution and takes away our rights! Internet service providers (ISPs) will be forced to monitor what you do online and report to the government anything that is seen as suspicious. How are they going to pay for this? They aren't; instead they will raise our Internet bills. tl;dr rich d-bags around the world are going to take our right to internet privacy and control our browsing, taking money from us in the process, via an international treaty ******************** [Why should I care?] Throughout your life, the internets have helped you in many ways. Many a lonely Friday night have you used the internet to type away your problems. When you think about it, you can't imagine what your life would be like without the internet. Well, too bad. ACTA's about to destroy your human rights. They're going to end piracy, but go against the constitution in the process. This means it's time to say bye bye to your right to privacy. So, why should you be worried about ACTA? -It allows them to censor the internet. -It allows them to search your iPods and computers randomly without giving a reason. -It allows them to confiscate your iPods and computers without giving a reason -It allows them to monitor what you do online -It allows them to block websites deemed “unacceptable”, without limit -It will ban p2p technology, like uTorrent -It will allow ISPs to PERMANENTLY Ban you from using the internet, without a trial. -It will allow arrests based on the content you search. -In a nutshell, they're basically taking your freedom and raping it hard. Our internets will be controlled and monitored, bent to the will of the rich corporations. Think about everything the internet has done for you. Are you going to stick up for it? Are you going to stop these greedy bastards from getting their way? Defend the internet, defend your rights, and fight back, don't be a pussy and just sit there saying it'll never get passed. Take action! ******************** [What can I do to help?] Well, we've got some good news. With enough help from awesome people like you, we have a chance of stopping this treaty from going into play. Currently, our strategy is to bring as much publicity to the ACTA as possible. Keep in mind that ACTA is not a bill. It's a secretive treaty that nobody is supposed to know about in the first place. ACTA's advantage is the fact that the general public is oblivious of it. They know what they're doing is unconstitutional, so they are forced to hide it. Why else would it be so secretive? Why is it that all we know is whatever leaked information we can get our hands on? If it's as innocent as they're trying to make themselves out to be, then they would make everything public. This is why we need to take away one of their primary defenses, and reveal ACTA to the public for what it really is. So how, you may ask, can we go about doing this? Well, it's as obvious as you think it is. Tell your friends, spread the word, and do what you can to bring all the publicity you can to ACTA. Below are some fliers that you can print out. http://ifm-store.deviantart.com/gallery/# /d2tndwq http://ifm-store.deviantart.com/gallery/# /d2tne2q http://ifm-store.deviantart.com/gallery/# /d2tne45 http://ifm-store.deviantart.com/gallery/# /d2tneo5 There are some other ways you can help prevent ACTA, listed below. -Sign an anti-ACTA petition ( http://bit.ly/bQeWeO ) -Email the news press about it. ( http://bit.ly/bSUcHH ) *Be sure to write a thoughtful email, point out ACTA's disregards of the constitution, provide ample information, and use good grammar -Find your congressman [Americans] ( http://bit.ly/4ACu1w ) -Find your senator [Americans] ( http://bit.ly/3UAs ) -Find your labour MP [Britons] ( http://bit.ly/aDoyoe ) -Find your conservative MP [Britons] ( http://bit.ly/PwuQl ) -Find your MP [Canadians] ( http://bit.ly/d2f2cm ) -Find your MP [New Zealand] ( http://bit.ly/9XHvzW ) added by: Andre_Rosario

Violent Anti-Mosque crowd turns on Black Carpenter at Ground Zero

! A man walks through the crowd at the Ground Zero protest and is mistaken as a Muslim. The crowd turns on him and confronts him. The man in the blue hard hat calls him a coward and tries to fight him. The tall man who I think was one of the organizers tried to get between the two men. Later I caught up with the man who's name is Kenny. He is a Union carpenter who works at Ground Zero. We discussed what a scary moment that was for him. I told him that I hoped it did not ruin his day. added by: toyotabedzrock