George Zimmerman has absolutely no remorse for killing an unarmed teen, and he’s blaming President Barack Obama for Black people getting so mad at him…
On Tuesday a federal appeals court temporarily reinstated Texas’ voter ID law. As a result, more than 600,000 registered voters, mostly Black and Hispanic, may…
Melissa Harris-Perry had a segment discussing protestors holding a demonstration outside of Ferguson PD after the August 9th slaying of unarmed teen Mike Brown earlier…
It has taken the tragic killing of unarmed teen, Michael Brown, for CNN journalist, Don Lemon to finally understand the fears African-Americans, specifically men,…
You can all stop holding your breath now! George Zimmerman–the unofficial neighborhood watch captain who was charged, but not convicted of fatally shooting unarmed teen,…
George Zimmerman’s lawyer wants the public to know that when it comes to race, it was not a factor in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. Mike O’Mara has tried his hardest to make it clear that, despite public opinion, his client did not shoot and kill the unarmed teen based on the color of his skin… Continue