Very interesting… Iranian Government Pushes Homosexuals To Gender Reassignment Iran reports having “no homosexuals” in their society , but that seems to be due to the fact that they are either forced out due to harsh discrimination, or coaxed into living their lives as the opposite gender in order to conform to male/female relationship norms. The results are unsurprisingly damaging in the long-run for gay citizens who have no real desire to become transgendered. Via BBCnews : It’s not official government policy to force gay men or women to undergo gender reassignment but the pressure can be intense. In the 1980’s the founder of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Khomeini, issued a fatwa allowing gender reassignment surgery – apparently after being moved by a meeting with a woman who said she was trapped in a man’s body. Shabnam – not her real name – who is a psychologist at a state-run clinic in Iran says some gay people now end up being pushed towards surgery. Doctors are told to tell gay men and women that they are “sick” and need treatment, she says. They usually refer them to clerics who tell them to strengthen their faith by saying their daily prayers properly. But medical treatments are also offered. And because the authorities “do not know the difference between identity and sexuality”, as Shabnam puts it, doctors tell the patients they need to undergo gender reassignment. In many countries this procedure involves psychotherapy, hormone treatment and sometimes major life-changing operations – a complex process that takes many years. That’s not always the case in Iran. “They show how easy it can be,” Shabnam says. “They promise to give you legal documents and, even before the surgery, permission to walk in the street wearing whatever you like. They promise to give you a loan to pay for the surgery.” Supporters of the government’s policy argue that transgender Iranians are given help to lead fulfilling lives, and have more freedom than in many other countries. But the concern is that gender reassignment surgery is being offered to people who are not transgender, but homosexual, and may lack the information to know the difference. This is pretty invasive stuff…same sex attraction doesn’t make you a transgender. But I guess if you want to love who you love and have peace in that nation, you have to get with the program and have your parts sliced up. What do you think, Bossip Fam??
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Elsewhere In The World: Iran Makes Homosexuals Get Gender Reassignment Surgery To Fit Into Society